P- ( 7 ) 11/17
T / HIP2022 / Emergency Materials / RAM / 18-11-2021
ACTED is inviting suppliers to submit offers for the following description of the supplies :
Bank Guarantee Amount * 15,000 ILS
Delivery deadline
ERMS / Delivery point All of West
See detailed
15,000 ILS
All of West
Block Structures : Supply and Installation of Residential Block Structure 32 m2 , Fixed PWD La trine ... etc Metal Items : Supply and Installation of Residential Caravan 32 m2 , Residential , Caravan 45 m2 , Latrines , PWD Latrines ... etc Tents Supplies : Supply and Installation of Residential Tent 30 m2 , Residential Tent 40 m2 , Residential Tent 60 m2 , ... etc
Tender leads to Framework
Agreement with a period of 12 months .
15,000 ILS
All of West
Within 7 days of receiving the purchase
order Within 7 days of receiving the purchase
order Within 7 days of receiving the purchase
order Within 7 days of receiving the purchase
order Within 7 days of receiving the purchase
5,000 ILS
All of West
Green Houses : Supply and installation of Green House
5,000 ILS
All of West
Supply and Installation of Solar Panel 860 Wp System Solar Panel 1290 Wp Sys tem
* Eligible contractors for the tender need to provide a bank guarantee as per the table above valid for 90 days start ing from the closing date of the tender or a certified check bank , where personal checks or cash are not accepted . Note : ACTED has the right to split the tender or award it as a whole one bidder . The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents , open to all qualified suppliers and service providers . The Bidding Documents ( in English ) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders by send ing an email to opt.tender@acted.org , Cc tender@acted.org and mentioning the tender reference # T / HIP2022 / Emergency Materials / RAM / 18-11-2021 . Or can be downloaded from the ACTED website at www.acted.org under the section “ Call for Tenders " . Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the ACTED website regularly for potential modification to the present tender and / or the bidding documents . A pre - tender information session will be organized on 01/12/2021 at 11:00 AM in ACTED representative office at ACTED oPt - Office No. 603 & 604 in the 6th floor , Mikkawi Commercial Complex the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . Participation of interested bidders to the information session is preferable but not compulsory . Please contact the ACTED representative office by e - mail at opt.tender@acted.org , Cc tender@acted.org . All bids must be submitted before on 9th December 2021 at 12noon by e - mail at opt.tender@acted.org , Cc tender@acted.org , or submitted at ACTED representative office at ACTED oPt - Office No. 603 & 604 in the 6th floor , Mikkawi Commercial Complex the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . The offer must be submitted to ACTED purchase department in a sealed envelope with the mention of the ten der reference on the envelope : T / HIP2022 / Emergency Materials / RAM / 18-11-2021 not to be opened before 12/12/2021 at 9:00 AM . Late Bids will be automatically rejected . ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the prepara tion and submission of their bids to ACTED . A tender opening session will take place on 12th December 2021 at 9am in the ACTED representative office at ACTED OPt - Office No. 603 & 604 in the 6th floor , Mikkawi Commercial Complex the northern front of Ramal lah and Al - Bireh Cities . The presence of bidders ' representative is allowed . For all inquiries regarding this tender , please contact the ACTED representative office in the address mentioned above no later than 1st December 2021 at 12noon by E - mail at opt.tender@acted.org . Cc tender@acted.org . Fees of tender advertising in newspapers / JOBS.PS will be charged to the winner bidder ( s ) . Note : if you witness or suspect any unlawful , improper or unethical act or business practices ( such as soliciting , accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback ) during the tendering process , please send an e - mail to transparency@acted.org