The Donors :
The Borrower :
The Beneficiary :
State of Palestine
Amended Specific Procurement Notice -works
( Without Prequalification ) Attention : This is an amended Specific Procurement Notice for the previously issued version on 10/11/2021 . Employer : Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) Project : Water Security Development - Gaza Central Desalination Program - Associated Works Phase 1 Project Contract title : W01- Reconfiguration of Water Distribution System - Southern Gaza Governorates Country : Palestine Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No .: TFOB2456 RFB No. as procurement plan : PWA / GCDP / W01 / RFB Bid invitation No .: PWA / WB / 2021 / 063 - CTD 1 . The Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) as Beneficiary , has received financing from the World Bank
toward the cost of Gaza Central Desalination Plant & Associated Works - Phase 1 , and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract Reconfiguration of Water Distribution Systems - Southern Gaza Governorates . For this contract the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method , as defined in the World Bank's Disbursement Guidelines for
Investment Project Financing . 2 . Central Tendering Department invites qualified international and local contractors classified contractors
( Classified in the field of water and sewage ( first class ) , for implementing the works included in the Contract for Reconfiguration of Water Distribution Systems - Southern Gaza Governorates works and summarized here below . The expected duration of construction works is 730 calendar days equivalent to 24 months , including commissioning period , starting from the effective date of the contract . In details the present contract includes :
a . the rehabilitation of 16 existing concrete reservoirs ; b . the reconfiguration of the existing downstream water distribution systems by installing around
67 km of different diameter ductile iron and HDPE pipes ; c . the rehabilitation of the existing production water wells ( 52 wells ) including the electromechanical
equipment ; d . the reconfiguration of upstream connections between selected production water wells and
existing / new concrete reservoirs by installing around 30 km of different diameter HDPE pipes ; e . Reinstatement Works ; and
f . Telemetry and SCADA Communication system 3 . Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using Request for Bids ( RFB ) as
specified in the World Bank's “ Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers- Procurement in Investment Projects Financing " August 2018 ( Procurement Regulations ) , and is open to all Bidders as defined in
the Procurement Regulations . 4 . Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding document during office
hours from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm at the address ( 1 ) given below 5 . The bidding document ( RFB No : PWA / GCDP / W01 / RFB ) in English may be purchased by interested
eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of 500 Dollars . The method of payment will be direct bank transfer to Ministry of
Finance Revenue account in the Bank of Palestine- IBAN No. PS65PALS045802190000013001049 . 6 . Bidders are encouraged to attend the site visit which will be held on Tuesday 30/11/2021 at 10:00 am
PLT . The meeting point and pre - bid meeting shall be the offices stated in address ( 1 ) . Last date for clarifications will be on Monday 20/12/2021 , and the last date for clarification response will be on
Monday 27/12/2021 . 7 . Bids shall be valid for a period of 180 days , starting from the date of tender opening and must be
accompanied by BID Security of Dollar 600,000 valid for a period of 208 days from the date of tender
opening . 8 . Bids must be delivered to the address ( 2 ) below on or before 12:00 noon Local time Monday
10/01/2022 . Electronic Bidding will not be permitted . Late Bids will be rejected . Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders ' designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend
at the same address at 12:00 noon Local time on Monday 10/01/2022 . 9 . The addresses referred to above are : Address ( 1 ) for Information :
Address ( 2 ) for Submission : Palestinian Water Authority : Project
Ministry of Public Works and Housing - Central Tendering Management Unit building ,
Department Al Rasheed Street , Opposite Chalets Resort ,
Bitounia - Al - Balou Street ( Almabar ) West Bank / Palestine VIP Building . 5th flour : Gaza City , Palestine , Attn : Eng . Saeed Abu Zaid - Acting General Director Tel : + 970-8-264-4071 , Fax : + 70-8-264-4071
Telefax : +970 2 2909092 E - mails :
Mobile : +970 592979098 Addressed to : msamra@pwa-gpmu.org .
Email : abuzaidsaeed@yahoo.com , abuzaidsaced@yahoo.com
ctd@mpwh.pnaps ctd@mpwh.pna.ps Invitation for bids advertisement cost shall be covered by the winner .