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Implemented by
giz Transitional Development Assistance - East Jerusalem
- ( 6 ) 12/4
Request for quotation ( 91158755 ) Procurement of Electrical Appliances for Palestinian
Child Center in East Jerusalem GIZ “ Transitional Development Assistance East Jeru
salem " Although Palestinian youth represent a growing segment of the population of East Jerusalem , they remain with few social and economic perspectives . Therefore , GIZ's new Transitional Assistance programme , financed by the Ger man Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation ( BMZ ) , supports the inclusion and social cohesion of the young , vulnerable population of East Jerusalem by expand ing their vocational training and employment opportunities . The program is implemented in cooperation with a range of local partners in East Jerusalem . GIZ is currently seeking qualified locally registered ven dors to supply Electrical Appliances for Palestinian Child Center in East Jerusalem Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quota tions for the provision of the required items . Interested companies can download the inquiry documents starting 5.12.2021 through 15.12.2021 from our tendering website http : https://tender.gizpal.ps Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS_Quotation @ giz . de no later than 18.12.2021 before 15:00 . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be refused . Late offers will not be considered .