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Call for Tender Computer Center Equipment Al Rawda University College has partnered with educational institutes , foundations , organizations and ministries in Europe and Palestine to enhance early childhood development in Palestine . A European funded project titled “ CARE ” has been launched to achieve that goal . This call for tender is aimed at creating a designated computer center to fulfill the training needs of targeted group by the aforementioned project . ICT specialized companies in local market are invited to bid for aforementioned computer equipment , desktops , notebooks and interactive projectors , and submit their financial and technical offers in two separate and sealed envelopes by December 23 , 2021 , 1:30 pm Jerusalem Time . Interested companies willing to bid are requested to acquire a copy of the tender documents from Al Rawda College by Tuesday , December 14 , 2021 , 2:30 pm Jerusalem Time for a fee of 50 Euros . Bidders should take into consideration the following conditions : >> All invoices related to this tender should be tax exclusive » Selected vendors should provide Zero Vat invoice addressed to Al
Rawda University College and include the project reference number
( 618061 - EPP - 1-2020-1 - PS - EPKA2 - CBHE - SP ) » Prices provided must be in Euros . » In order for offers to be considered , bidders are asked to submit a
bank letter of guarantee of 5 % of total bid amount valid for 60 days . For any further details you are welcome to contact Mr. Malath A. Hadi at + 97-598894744 or by email at malhadi911@gmail.com .
Procurement Department ( 8 ) 12/9 ;
Al Rawda University College