Invitation for Tenders Enabel - Belgian development agency
Reference No : PZA1804411-10020 Country : Palestine Project Name : Skilled Young Palestine ( SYP ) Title : Public works contract for the " The Rehabilitation of Innovation Hubs in Palestine "
A- ( 12 ) 12/14
This public works contract consists in the rehabilitation works of supported innovation hubs in Jerusalem , West Bank and Gaza , in conformity with the conditions of mentioned Tender Specifications .
The lots are : . Lot 1 is composed of the rehabilitation works in Station J Innovation Hub , located in Jerusalem .
Lot 2 is composed of the rehabilitation works in PARC Innovation Hub , located in Jenin , Zababdeh - West Bank Lot 3 is composed of the rehabilitation work in Ma'an Development Center Innovation Hub ( 2 locations ) , located in Gaza . Lot 4 is composed of the rehabilitation work in Youth Without Borders Innovation Hub , located in Gaza .
Enabel now invites tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for carrying out these works :
1. Tendering will be conducted through the direct negotiated procedure with publication ( Belgian
Public Procurement Law ) and is open to all tenderers from Eligible Source Countries , as defined in
the tender documents . 2. Interested tenderers to lot 1 require a permit to access Jerusalem . 3. Interested tenderers to lot 2 require access to Gaza . 4. Tenderers can download the tender documents and all annexes at the following address :
https://www.enabel.be/content/btc-tenders , then selecting country : Palestinian Territory . 5. Pre - bid site visits will take place in innovation hubs on the 22nd and 23rd of December 2021 .
Subscription to the pre - bid site visits is required via this link ( before the 21st of December 2021 ) :
- LOT 1 ( East Jerusalem , Station 3 ) : https://forms.gle/GQNjxXENW6gm93Cz6 - LOT 2 ( Jenin , PARC ) : https://forms.gle/JtZaqFDf9uQNMsDv7 - LOT 3 ( Gaza , Maan Development Center ) : https://forms.gle/wXoeb25iSbB44jZEA - LOT 4 ( Gaza , Youth Without Borders ) : https://forms.gle/s115b4p91fdfHJzQ8
6. This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions , defined in the tender documents . 7. Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing . No bid bond is required . 8. Tenders must be delivered to one of the two addresses mentioned below before the 6th of January
2022 at 1:00 PM . Late tenders will be rejected . Tenders will be opened behind closed doors .
Attachment ( s ) ;
1. Tender documents with forms 2. Annex 1 : Bill of Quantities 3. Annex 2 : Plans
4. Annex 3 : Technical Specifications Addresses :
Enabel , Belgian Development Agency , Al Bayed building , ground floor , Al Halabi street , Al Katiba Area , Gaza city Enabel - Belgian Development Agency , Royal Center , 7th Floor , Al Balou ' , Mecca Street , Ramallah - Al Bireh