State of Palestine
دولة فلسطين سلطة الأراضي
Land Authority
Real Estate Registration Project
مشروع التسجيل العقاري
Specific Procurement Notice
Request for Bids Non - Consulting Services ( One - Envelope Bidding Process )
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Employer : Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) Project : Real Estate Registration Project ( RERP ) Contract title : Digitization of Real Estate Records ( transactions applications and property titles ) and Providing Training & Manual Country : West Bank and Gaza Grant No .: TF - 0351 RFB No : GZ - PLA - 189924 - NC - RFB Issued on : Jan. 18,2022 1. The Palestinian Liberation Organization has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the
Real Estate Registration Project ( RERP ) , and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Digitization of Real Estate Records ( transactions applications and property titles ) and Providing
Training & Manual . 2. The Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders to carry out the Services
of Digitization of Real Estate Records ( transactions applications and property titles ) and Providing Training & Manual , where PLA is looking for a complete transition to electronic form of land administration through modern digitization process of converting any physical items into an electronic representation that can be ac cessed and stored electronically . This requires having up - to - date and accurate digital records . Therefore , an extreme quality measures shall be ensured during the scanning , processing and data extraction services all as
per the PLA requirements . 3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids ( RFB ) as
specified in the World Bank's " Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers " dated July 2016 ( " Procurement
Regulations " ) , and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations . 4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) , Nihad
Awad , RERP / Project Manager -Mobile : 00970-597917895 or Wedad Malak- RERP / Procurement Specialist -Mobile : 00970-598725251 and inspect the bidding document during office hours 8:00 am to 03:00 pm in local
time ( from Sunday to Thursday ) at the address given below . 5 . The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission
of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of 200 US Dollar . The method of payment will be in direct deposit to Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) -Account number : 0458/0219000/001/3001/028 At Bank of Palestine / Ramallah branch -- IBAN- PS50 PALS 0458 02190000
0130 0102 8 The Bidding Documents will be available at Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) Headquarter . 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 noon on March 06 , 2022. Electronic Bidding
will not be permitted . Late Bids will be rejected . Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders '
designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below . 7. All Bids must be accompanied by a " Bid Security " of 30,000 USD . The bid security should be valid for 118
days after the bid submission deadline date . 8. The address ( es ) referred to above is :
Palestinian Land Authority ( PLA ) / RERP Project Management Unit - 3th Floor Ramoni Building- Nablus Main Str . Al - Bireh . Attn : Mr. Nihad Awad / RERP PLA Manager Mobile : +970 597917895 ; E - mail : nawad@pla.pna.ps ; And , Attn : Eng . Wedad Malak / RERP Procurement Specialist Mobile : +970 598725251 ; E - mail : wedadmalakasd@gmail.com
Judge Mohammad Ghanem
PLA Chairman