Invitation for a tender to purchase a set of film equipment
المركز الفلسطيني لقضايا السلام والديمقراطية
Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy Quotation Number : 06 / EU / PCPD / 2022 This quotation is under the project ; Palestinian Youth for Peace , funded by the European Union and implemented by the Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy in the West Bank ;
Ref No. 2021 / 429-275 Publication and announcement date : Sunday 13.02.2022 The final date to submit the offer is Monday , 21.02.2022 , at 4:00 pm The Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy ( PCPD ) is implementing a three - year project : “ Youth for Just Peace " which is funded by the European Union . The project aims to find a Palestinian public opinion supportive to peaceful political consensus in Palestine . During the project imple mentation , the PCPD will need to use a set of film equip ment to support the activities ' implementation . As a result , we are asking for a quotation to purchase a set of film equipment . Conditions to submit the tender : The supplier should be local , based in the Palestinian ar eas . The supplier should be able to submit a valid deduction at source certificate , or else 10 % of the total payment will be deducted as income tax . The offer should be submitted in Euro ( excluding tax ) Advertising fees in newspapers for a period of one day is on the one who is awarded the bid . Interested companies should submit their offers in a stamped and / or signed sealed envelope latest by Mon day , 21.02.2022 , 4:00 PM at PCPD's office in Betunia , old city , opposite UNIPAL Com , ground floor , Telephone 02 2908668 . To receive the details of the tender , please contact us through Email : pcpd@palnet.com
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