State of Palestine Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) Call for Proposals / Individual Consultancy Services " Conducting Participatory Gender Audit of EQA "
تمويل خارجي )
Ref . No ( EQA / SPEAP / 2022 / 003 ) Purchasing entity : Environment Quality Authority The Government of Palestine represented by the Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) has received financing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ( Sida ) towards the cost of the program " Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Plan " , Sida Contribution number 52110101 Under the overall program goal to improve the environmental protection in Palestine , EQA intends to apply part of the grant for Individual consultant services under the contract titled " Conducting Participatory Gender Audit of EQA " . Duty station will be Ramallah with visits to EQA premises as necessary for carrying the assignment . The EQA now invites eligible individual consultants to submit a Technical Proposal only ( No financial proposal shall be submitted ) . The individual consultant will be responsible for proposing and hiring the services of two co experts in the field at his own cost . The terms of reference for the consultancy is available at the following link : http://environment.pna.ps/ar/files/16.pdf The Technical Proposal shall consist of the following : 1- Letter of Undertaking stating the name of the Consultant ( who
will be contracted ) and the names of his / her co - experts and their role in conducting the assignment . The letter shall be
signed by the Consultant and each co - expert . 2- CVs in English for the Consultant and the co - experts indicating
relevant experience to the assignment ( no more than 5 pages per one CV ) List of gender audits conducted by the Consultant with brief description of his / her role ( facilitator , contributor , etc. )
Same as above for the co - experts . 5- ILO certificate in participatory gender audit for the Consultant
6- Initial work plan and methodology for carrying the assignment For more information , contact Ismail Seyam , Mobile 0569951906 , from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Technical proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered by Tuesday 26 April 2022 no later than 11:30 AM to the following address , with mentioning Gender Audit on the envelope : Environment Quality Authority , Al Bireh / Al Sharafeh , Tel : 02-2403495 / 8 , Fax : 02-2403494 Advertisement fees shall be covered by the selected consultant Dr. Nisreen Tamimi
Chairperson of Environment Quality Authority