G.CD.ACDK.104.2022 Design an awareness - raising program addressing key climate concerns and environ mentally friendly practices MA'AN seeks to hire a consultant firm to Design an awareness - raising program addressing key climate concerns and environmentally friendly practices through the awarded fund from ActionAid Palestine to effectively contribute to the inception and planning period for the SPA2 program proposal . Interested consultant firms should review the full ToR for this consultancy and can get a copy from it from MAAN Development Ramallah / Gaza offices from 19th April 2022 tell 27th April 2022 with Non - refundable fee ( $ 75 ) and submit offer in two sealed envelopes ; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 28th April 2022 ( before 12:00 pm ) to the following address : Main Office - Ramallah
Gaza Branch Office MA'AN Development Centre
MA'AN Development Centre Alnahdah Building - 5th Floor
Gaza - Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square Emil Habibi Street
Al Motaz 2 Building - Ground Floor Almasyoon - Ramallah
Next to the Blood Bank Building Mailing Address : PO Box 51793 , Jerusalem Mailing Address : PO Box 5165 , Gaza Tel : 970 -2 -2954451
Tel : 970 - 8 - 2823712 • Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria
below . Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review . The financial offer weight is 30 % from the total weight while the techni cal offer is 70 % of the total weight . All costs above must be in USD . The Offer is valid for consultant firms only .. Prices must be valid for at least 120 days from the tender submission date . Supplier / service provider must provide Valid deduction at Source certificate . The awarded consultant of this offer will be required to pay for the cost of this
advertisement local newspaper and jobs.ps .. • Vendors / Service Provider must provide a bid bond guarantee ( USD 500 ) only
( Only five hundred Dollar ) either by bank guarantee or certified bank check ,
valid for Three months from the last date of tender receipt . • Awarded firm must submit % 10 performance guarantee ( from contract amount )
valid for contract duration A pre - bid meeting will be conducted on Thursday 21st April 2022 in MAAN offices WB & GS at 10:00 AM .
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