صندوق تطوير وامراض الفيلات المحلية
Municipal Development & Lending Fund
Country : Palestine
Assignment : Local Technical Consultant - West Bank / Area C Reference No .: SDC - C1-2022
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund " MDLF " has received a grant from the " SDC " towards the cost of " Development of area C / West Bank " .
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) as an implementation agency for the project intends to use part of the grant for consulting services to hire a Local Technical Consultancy Firm ( LTC ) to provide the needed technical assistance for the design and supervision of the infrastructure projects that will be implemented in Eight localities in area C in the West Bank .
Al Mansoura Village Council
Jenin Governorate
Doura Municipality
Hebron Governorate
Isla Village Council
Qalqilia Governorate
Jit Village Council
Qalqilia Governorate
Tulkarem Municipality
Tulkarem Governorate
Wadi Rahhal Village Council
Bethlehem Governorate
Zabda Al Jadeeda Village Council
Jenin Governorate
Qalandia Village Council
Jerusalem Governorate
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) as the implanting agency for the projects . intends to use part of the grant for consulting services to hire a Consultancy Firm to conduct the above mentioned assignment .
The detailed Terms of Reference ( TOR's ) for the assignment can be viewed at the website : www.MDLF.org.ps/TOR
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the Services . Interested consulting firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services . The shortlisting criteria are : General firm's profile ( Core business and years in business , qualifications in the field of the assignment , technical and managerial organization of the firm , general qualifications and number of key staff ) .
Objectives of the Assignments :
The main objective of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to the targeted localities ( LGUs ) , specifically the eight localities in Area C in the WB for the implementation of infrastructure projects approved as part of improving the basic services for their citizens .
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III , paragraphs , 3.14 , 3.16 , and 3.17 of the World Bank's " Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers " July 2016 , setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest .
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and / or a sub - consultancy . In the case of a joint venture , all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract , if selected .
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection based on Quality - Cost Based Selection ( QCBS ) method set out in the Procurement Regulations .
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 PM . Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below ( in person , or by mail , or by fax , or by e - mail ) by 15/06/2022 .
Mr. Mohammad Ramahi
Director General
Address is : Al - Amal Tower , Mecca Street , Al - balou ' , Al - Bireh , Palestine
Tel : 02-2426610
Fax : 02-2426617
E - mail : Itc@mdlf.org.ps