Cooperación Española
Service provision of Professional , Technical and Voca tional Capacity Building Trainings , Publication refer ence ( PI - HB - 01610 )
West Bank occupied Palestinian territory
Closing date : 21st , June 2022 at 15:00 pm West Bank time Action Against Hunger tackles the causes and effects of hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children , women and men . Established in France in 1979 , Action Against Hunger is a nongovernmental , non - politi cal , non - religious , non - profit organization . Action Against Hunger has been working in the Palestinian Territory since 2002
Action Against Hunger , through a project entitled : " Liveli hood Initiative to Foster Employability & Entrepreneurship of Palestinians ( LIFE Palestine ) " : funded by La Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrolla AECID , is seeking the professional training service provid ers for undertaking the Professional , Technical and Voca tional Capacity Building Trainings through submitting their proposition to this service provision assignment .
This service provision will last for a period of 60 calendar days and will be based in south of West Bank .
The training service providers should submit their quota tion in a sealed envelope no later than Tuesday 21st of June 2022 at 3:00 pm ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) . The envelop should include financial offer , technical pro posal and other needed documents .
To receive the full Terms of Reference and quotation request , please send an email attached with service provider ' profile , qual ification , experience of team members and documented experi ence on similar consultancies to rowaywi@pt.acfspain.org . Action Against Hunger ' working hours are from 8:00 am to 16:00 pm ( West Bank time ) - Sunday to Thursday .
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