Global Water Partnership
ANNOUNCEMENT of Call for Offers published
GWP - Med , as represented by its Host Institute MIO - ECSDE is conducting an open call for offers for The construction of three ( 3 ) wetlands ( tertiary treatment ) to treat the water coming out from Wadi Al - Arroub Wastewater Treatment Plant and three ( 3 ) solar systems to provide energy for the irrigation pumping systems in three ( 3 ) farms , in the framework of the Project : MENA Water Matchmaker 2 Project
Contract Price :. Maximum € 370.000 * , inclusive of all taxes and VAT . * The final total amount will be determined upon measuring of the total works performed .
Awarding criterion : the most economically advantageous offer on the basis of best quality / price ratio .
Duration of Works : 60 Calendar Days
Duration of contract : Duration of Works plus three months
Place of works : Area of the Wadi Al - Arroub Wastewater Treatment Plant , Hebron , Palestine
Deadline for Application : 22/06/2022 at 17 : 00h CET
Publication of Call : GWP - MED's https://www.gwp.org/en/GWP-Mediterra nean , at the Greek's Government e - procurememt site http : //www.promitheus . gov.gr/ , http://www.eprocurement.gov.gr/kimds2 and at the online version of the ' Supplement to the Official Journal ' of the EU https://ted.europa.eu/TED/ browse / browse ByMap.do and in two financial Palestinian newspapers .
Interested applicants are advised to study carefully all sections of the Call , ToR and Annexes as published and ensure they meet the general requirements as well as all specific qualifications described . Incomplete applications will not be considered . Please make sure you have provided all requested materials .