State of Palestine Environment Quality Authority
Environment Quality Authority
Request for Proposals , RFP : SPEAP 2022/004 Selection of Consultants for :
" Evaluation Services for Sweden funded Program " Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Program "
Grant No. ( SIDA Contribution ID ) .: 52110101
1- The State of Palestine represented by the Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) has received a grant from Sweden represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ( SIDA ) to wards " Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Program " and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for " Evaluation Services for Sweden funded Program " Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Program " for which this Request for Proposals is is
دولة فلسطين سلطة جودة البيئة
sued .
2- The Environment Quality Authority ( hereinafter to referred to as the " Client ) invites qualified evaluation consultants submit a propos I to provide the required services ( hereinafter called " Services )
3- More details of the services are provided in the attached Terms of Reference under Section - 7 of the Re quest for Proposals . The full document of the Request for Proposals ( RFP ) including the TOR may be downloaded from the following link :
http // : environment.pna.ps/ar/files.10/pdf
4- This invitation is published in local newspapers and it is open for local and international consultants . Please note that the proposed team of experts shall have a mix of international and local evaluation ex perts as detailed in the Terms of References .
5- A firm will be selected under quality - cost based selection ( QCBS ) procedures in accordance with the World Bank Guidelines for Selection of Consultants .
6- Please submit your technical and financial proposals in accordance with the instructions under section - 2 and using the forms provided in Section - 3 and Section - 4 . Your proposals will be subject to negotiation between your authorized representative and the Client and may result in a contract . A draft contract is also attached . According to the financing agreement between EQA and Sweden , the selection of the Consultant will be subject to Sweden's No - Objection .
7- Your technical and financial proposals shall be hand delivered to the following address , not later than 12:30 pm Jerusalem time , Monday , August 1 2022 .
Address for Proposal Submission :
Environment Quality Authority , Al Bireh - Al Sharafah , Second floor - Room # 11/2 , Tel : 02-2403495 / 8 , Fax : 02-2403494
8- The Proposal shall be in one outer envelope that contains two separate inner envelopes ; one for the techni cal proposal and other for the financial proposal . All envelopes shall be sealed and clearly marked with the proposer's name , address and contacts . The contents of each inner envelope and the forms to be used are as follows :
A ) 1st Inner Envelope for the Technical Proposal :
Power of Attorney to sign the Proposal
Forms TECH - 1 , TECH - 2 , TECH - 3 , TECH - 4 , TECH - 5 and TECH - 6 .
In addition to a digital copy of the above burnt to a compact disc .
B ) 2nd Inner Envelope for the Financial Proposal :
Forms FIN - 1 , FIN - 2 , FIN - 3 and FIN - 4 .
9- Language of the Proposal shall be English .
10- Only written inquiries will be received via email up to Monday July 18 , 2022. Inquiries shall be ad dressed to both of the following email addresses :
Answers will be documented and sent to all invited bidders on Thursday July 21 , 2022 .
11- Please confirm receipt of this invitation and that you will submit the proposal as requested .
Sincerely ,
Dr. Nisreen Tamimi
Chairperson of Environment Quality Authority , Palestine