State of Palestine Ministry of Local Governmen
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Program : SDLG : Sustainable Development through Improved Lo cal Governance program , funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by VNGI International , focuses on increasing legitimacy and stability in marginalized communities in rural Palestine , in the upcoming 5 years ( 2022-2026 ) . By focusing on local governance , VNGI International aims to strengthen Palestine's sovereignty and control over its territory .
Assignment Title : Consulting services to Prepare Cluster Plan for Palestinian Communities in West Ramallah .
Assignment Objective
The main objective of the proposed cluster plan is to work in a par ticipatory manner with Palestinian communities represented by local government units in order to prepare a detailed land use plan and a development agenda for the targeted localities in order to enable them to act in a more inclusive , sustainable and prepared manner on the basis of strategic and spatial plans in light of the difficult geopolitical conditions on the ground .
Description of the target area
The programme will target a cluster of 8 communities in the Ramal lah & El - Bireh Governorate . These are : Shuqba , Qibya , Shabtin , Budrus , Deir Qaddis , Ni'lin , Kharbatha Bani Harith , and Al Midya . In totality , the cluster is home to about 30.000 inhabitants and spans an area of almost 78.525 dunums .
VNGI invites interested , eligible and qualified Engineering and Urban Planning firms / organizations to indicate their interest in providing the required services and request a copy of the detailed RFP and ToR by sending an " Expression of Interest " via email to : Amal.Odeh@vng.nl / Saleh.k@vng.nl by COB , Saturday , 06 August 2022 .
NB : Interested firms / organizations should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services .
This Project is Funded by
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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