Invitation to Prequalify
Gaza , Palestine
Coastal Municipalities Water Utility ( CMWU ) Multi - Sectoral Investment Programme Gaza Procurement of Gravity Main and Refurbishment of Wastewater Pumping
Stations 5 , 6A and 7B , MIP
BMZ no .: 2019 67 751 ( Phase II )
KfW Procurement No .: 508471 ICB No. Contract 3
The Coastal Municipalities Water Utility ( CMWU ) has arranged finance from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Kreditanstalt für Wied eraufbau ( KfW ) toward the cost of the Multi - Sectoral Investment Programme Gaza , and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under Contract 3 : Gravity Main and Refurbishment of Wastewater Pumping Stations 5 , 6A and 7B , MIP . The Coastal Municipalities Water Utility ( CMWU ) now invites sealed applications to prequalify from interested applicants for the construction of 4.8 km of DN1500 gravity sewer to divert wastewater flows to the new Gaza City Collector ; and the refurbishment of the sewage pumping stations nos . 5 , 6A and 7B in Gaza City . The construction duration is 18 months with a DNP of 12 months , the Conditions of Contract will be the FIDIC Pink Book .
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Prequalification will be conducted as specified in the KfW Guidelines for Guidelines for Procurement of Goods , Works and associated Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries ( " KfW Guidelines " ) January 2021 .
Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from :
Palestine University Street , Al Zahraa , Gaza , Palestine
Tel : +972 8 2632060 , Fax : +972 8 2632020
Attn : Mr. Maher El Najjar , PMU Director
Email : m_najjar60@cmwu.ps
A complete set of prequalification documents is available to the interested appli cants on the payment of a non - refundable fee of 100 EUR ( One hundred Euros ) , The method of payment will be Bank Deposit to the CMWU , Account No. 1113405 , kFw Project , Bank of Palestine , Rimal Branch , Prequalification submissions will only be accepted from applicants purchasing the prequalification documents .
Questions and requests for clarifications shall be sent no later than Thursday 18th August 2022 and shall be sent by email to the following addresses :
m_najjar60@cmwu.ps or Majed.Ekky@dorsch.de
The prequalification submissions shall be labelled on the outside with the name of the Applicant and as follows : " Prequalification submission for : Multi - Sectoral In vestment Programme Gaza , Contract 3 : Procurement of Gravity Main and Refur bishment of Wastewater Pumping Stations 5 , 6A and 7B , MIP " and must be deliv ered to the Gaza PMU , to Mrs. Taghreed Al Khoudary , CMWU at the above address on or before Sunday 4th September 2022 at 12.00 hours Gaza time . Late submissions will be rejected .