Central Tendering Department
The Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of Quality and Environment of Education
Lot No.1 : JICA - MOE - GA2060350 - WB - 01
Tender No .: MOE / JICA / 2022 / 170
Lot No.2 : JICA - MOE - GA2060350 - WB - 02
Ministry of Education Palestinian Authority
Lot No.3 : JICA - MOE - GA2060350 - WB - 03
West Bank
3 .
4 .
Joint Venture
Business License
وزارة التربية والتعليم
Invitation for Bids
1. The Palestinian Authority ( PA ) has received a Japanese ODA Grant ( the Grant ) from Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA ) on the basis of the Grant Agreement ( G / A ) signed on the 21st day of October , 2020 , between PA and JICA concerning the Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of Quality and Environment of Education ( the Project ) . PA intends to apply the grant to eligible payments under the contract ( s ) for which these Bidding Documents are issued .
2. Central Tendering Department on behalf of PA now invites sealed bid from eligible bidders to construct of educational facilities for 5 schools in West Bank ( WB ) ( the Works ) . This Bidding includes three contract lots for the Works . Information of each lot is summarized below . Lot Information
Pending Litigation
Litigation History
Financial Performance
Financial Resources
Lot No.
Conflict of Interest
JICA Ineligibility
History of Non - Performing Contracts .
WB - 01
WB - 02
WB - 03
Average Annual Construc tion Turnover
Place and Address
E - mail address .
General Construction Expe rience
Specific Construction Ex perience
Bidders may bid for one lot only , as further defined in the Bidding Documents . This Bidding is open to all eligible Bidders who satisfy at least the following criteria . Summary of Eligibility and Qualification Criteria
Sale of Bidding Documents Bank Account
Pre - Bid Meeting
Lot No.
All Lots
School ID
W - 1 W - 5 W - 3 W - 4 W - 2
Sep. 11 , 2022
Sep. 11 , 2022
Sep. 11 , 2022
Tender No .: MOE / JICA / 2022 / 171
Tender No .: MOE / JICA / 2022 / 172
North Hebron
Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA )
South Nablus Qabatia
( b ) Balance sheets for the last 5 years ( 2017-2021 )
( c ) Cash flow statements
Invitation No .: MOE / JICA / 2022 / 038 - CTD Invitation No .: MOE / JICA / 2022 / 039 - CTD
10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am
School Name
Sep. 12 , 2022
Al Karmel Basic Boys School
Noba Secondary Boys School Salem Secondary Girls School
Beta Basic Coed School
Meslieh Basic Coed School
Acceptable if all the requirements described in the Bidding Documents are satisfied .
A Bidder shall have valid category certificate issued by the Palestine National Committee for Categorization and valid tax registration under the laws of PA .
A Bidder shall be PA nationals . The term " nationals " in this document means the nationals of PA or juridical persons in corporated and registered in the country who have their appropriate facilities for producing or providing the products and / or services in PA and conduct their business there .
A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest .
A Bidder shall not have been declared ineligible by JICA .
Non - performance of a contract did not occur as a result of contractor's default for the last five ( 5 ) calendar years ( 2017
2022 ) .
All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than 50 % of the Bidder's net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder .
No consistent history of court / arbitral award decisions against the Bidder for the last five ( 5 ) calendar years ( 2017-2022 ) . One of the following financial statements acceptable to the Client , for the last five ( 5 ) years ( 2017-2022 ) shall be submit ted and must demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder's financial position and indicate its prospective long - term profitability .
( a ) Income statements
5. The construction periods are 480 calendar days for WB - 01 and WB - 02 , and 420 calendar days for WB - 03 respectively .
6. A complete set of the Bidding Documents in English on CD - ROM may be purchased by the interested Bidders on the submission of a writing application to the address below and upon payment of non - refundable fee of 300NIS for each lot . The method of payment is to deposit into an account specified in the table below . The date and time for the sale of Bidding Documents are described below . The Bidding Documents are available only for the interested Bidders whose business licenses are registered in PA . Each interested Bidder shall be required to submit a copy of its business license which proof nationality of the Bidder upon obtaining of the Bidding Documents .
Date : August 28 , 2022
( d ) Certificate ( s ) and statement ( s ) of the Bidders bank accounts issued by the bank ( s )
As the minimum requirement , a Bidder's net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive .
Minimum average annual construction turnover required is two million US Dollars ( USD2,000,000 ) for lot WB - 01 and WB - 02 , and one million US Dollars ( USD1,000,000 ) for lot WB - 03 calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress and / or completed , within the last five ( 5 ) years ( 2017-2021 ) , divided by five ( 5 ) years . The following certificates shall be submitted for confirmation of annual construction turnover within the last five ( 5 ) years ( 2017-2021 ) . For completed construction projects :
Completion certificates with necessary information , such as the contract date , completion date and amount paid , issued by the Client / Employer
The Bidder shall demonstrate that has access to , or has available , liquid assets , unencumbered real assets , lines of credit , and other financial means ( independent of any contractual advance payment ) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as four hundred thousand US Dollars ( USD400,00 ) for Lot WB - 01 and WB - 02 and two hundred thousand US Dollars ( USD200,000 ) for Lot WB - 03 for the subject contract of the Bidders other commitments .
7. The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works . The site visit and pre - bid meeting is arranged as follows . Site Visit
Lot No.
WB - 01 WB - 02
WB - 03
Category of Contractors In building sector
1st A
Experiences in at least five ( 5 ) building construction contracts in the role of prime contractor ( single entity or JV member ) , subcontractor , or management contractor for the last five ( 5 ) calendar years ( 2017-2021 ) .
In case the Bidder is a JV , the aggregate experiences of all members of the JV must meet the requirements .
Experiences of at least two ( 2 ) similar contract ( s ) specified below , that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed as a prime contractor ( single entity or JV member ) for the last five ( 5 ) calendar years ( 2017-2021 ) . Contract for building works of school buildings with a value of minimum 1 million USD for each contract .
1st A
Time 12:00 pm
1st A or
1st B
Date : from Aug. 28 to Sep. 08 , 2022 ( working days only ) Time : 9 : 00-13 : 00
Bank of Palestine- Revenues of the Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Education Account No .: ( 219000/13 ) Central Tendering Department - Ministry of Public Works & Housing
Palestine_Ramallah_Betonia_Al balou ' ( Al Maabar ) Street
Meeting place
Yatta Directorate ( W1 ) - North Hebron Directorate ( W5 ) Nablus Directorate ( W3 ) - South Nablus Directorate ( W4 ) Qabatia Directorate ( W2 )
Meeting place
DG of Buildings , Ministry of Education
Central Tendering Department , Ministry of Public Works & Housing
Palestine_Ramallah_Betonia _Al balou ' ( Al Maabar ) Street
9. Bid must be delivered to the address below at or before 12:00 p.m. Palestine Local Time on October 12 , 2022 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security in amount specified in the ITB 18. All bids will be opened at 12:00 pm . on October 12 , 2022 , at place described below in the presence of the Client , the Consultant and the Bidders representatives who choose to attend .
E - mail address
10. The contracts under this Project are governed by " Cabinet Decision No. ( 12 / 16 / 02 / M.W.H ) for the year 2013 " ( Regarding compensation for both parties to the contract ) .
11. The contractor can participate in more than one lot but he will be awarded one lot only according to the benefit of the Client .
12. The Contracts under the Projects are Lump - sum basis .
13. Cost of advertisement shall be paid by the winning bidders .
14. The Bidder shall furnish a bid security in the amount of : WB - 01 : 70,000USD , WB - 02 : 75,000USD and WB - 03 : 35,000USD
Central Tendering Department