Request for Proposals ( RFP )
THIRD PARTY MONITORING ( TPM ) for GAZA Trader Facilitation and Customs Support Programme ( Tasdeer )
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Tasdeer , an FCDO - funded trade facilitation programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is soliciting proposals from eligible and responsi ble consultancy companies to inform TASDEER on progress and chal lenges in the implementation of activities , strengthen its accountability system up and down the chain , help ensure safeguarding practices and risk mitigation measures are sufficiently in place , provide recommenda tions where appropriate , and ultimately facilitate learning .
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The main objectives of contracting a TPM service provider in Gaza are to : A. Provide reasonable assurance ( using a sample method ) that donor contributions are being used wisely for the intended purposes , and are properly accounted for , and in accordance with the planned ob jectives and progress reports .
Review the identified and potential risks , provide feedback and recommendations on how to monitor aid diversion , and ensure en hanced due diligence and risk mitigation standards are applied Robustly consider accountability and safeguards throughout TAS DEER's own processes , as well as the processes of partners and downstream partners
Strengthen TASDEER's Knowledge , Monitoring , Evaluation and Learning ( KMEL ) mechanism and capacity for more effective and efficient response to the highest standards
Interested firms can request a copy of the RFP document via email at procurement@tasdeer.ps no later than 12:00 pm ( Ramallah Time ) Thurs day 8th of September 2022 - Procurement Reference TFCS - RFP - 2022-009 Closing date for submission the proposals : 04:00 pm , Thursday 15th of September 2022 ( Ramallah local Time )
consultancy companies