Request for Proposal for
Consulting Services
" Risk Management , Compliance , AML , and BCP "
RFP Number :
Issuance Date :
Deadline for Offers
For :
Point of Contact :
Location of Work
RFP - 22-001
Two Weeks of the issuance date
Palestine Exchange
Ala ' Aburrob Email : ala.aburrob@pex.ps
Palestine Exchange ( PEX ) aims to improve certain internal func tions for various important reasons including risk management , control strengthening , and compliance with regulators . For this reason , PEX is requesting service to help improve the following ( in - scope functions ) :
Risk Management and internal controls
Compliance and AML procedures ( risk based )
Business continuity planning
Scope of the assignment :
Phase I : Assessment of current State ( for the in - scope functions )
Phase II : Implementation to close gaps related to the in - scope functions :
Phase III : Training , follow - up , and Oversight
For more details , please visit our website www.pex.ps or con tact us on the following email : ala.aburrob@pex.ps