Country : Palestine
Purchaser : Municipality of Nablus
Project : Wastewater Reuse Project Nablus , Lot 4 - Perimeter Fence Installation Works
NCB No : L4-85 / 01 / 63 / 2022 Date : 17/10/2022
Submission : 22.11.2022 , 12:00 hour ( Palestine Standard Time ) Pre - Bid Meeting : 29.10.2022 , 10 : 00h at Nablus NW / WWTP The Municipality of Nablus has received financing throughKfW toward the cost of the Wastewater Reuse Project Nablus / Palestine and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Lot 4 - Perimeter Fence Installation Works .
Bids are opened for Contractors registered in the National Bidding Committee and the Palestinian Contractors Union Class 3 ONLY in the field of ( Water and Sewerage ) or Building with registration from the Ministry of Finance and VAT Departments .
Bidding will be conducted by means of National Competitive Bidding procedure .
A complete set of bidding documents is available to interested Bidders eligible from the Purchaser office at Faisal Street , Nablus Municipality - Nablus / Palestine during normal office hours against nonrefundable payment of ILS 200. The bidding documents received from the Purchaser are not transferable .
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Attention : Christian Koopmann , Engineer
Electronic mail address : christian.koopmann@fwt.fichtner.de with copy to ssabughosh@nablus.org
Bids must be delivered to
Attention : Mr. Sami Hijjawi
Mayor of Nablus
Address : Municipality of Nablus
Faisal Street , P. O. Box 218 , Nablus / Palestine
Dr. Sami Hijjawi Mayor of Nablus
on or before 22.11.2022 , 12:00 hour ( Palestine Standard Time ) . Late Bids will be rejected .
Bids will be opened in a public session in the presence of the Bidders ' designated representatives.All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security or Certified Cheques in the amount of ILS 10,000 . Notice fees will covered by the successful bidder .