State of Palestine Environment Quality Authority
دولة فلسطين سلطة جودة البيئة
State of Palestine
Environment Quality Authority ( EQA )
Expression of Interest / Individual Consultancy Services Capacity building for selected Palestinian journalists and media workers in reporting and advocating environmental causes
( تمويل خـارجـي )
Ref . No ( EQA / SPEAP / 2023 / 002 )
The Government of Palestine represented by the Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) has received financing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ( Sida ) towards the cost of the program " Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Plan " , Sida Contribution number 52110101 .
Under the fourth strategic objective of the program ( Improved public awareness and flow of information ) , EQA intends to apply part of the grant for Individual consulting services under the contract titled " Capacity building for selected Palestinian journalists and media workers in reporting and advocating environmental causes " . Duty station will be Ramallah with two field visits to selected locatio s as part of training . The EQA now invites eligible individual consultants or firms to express their interest ( No financial proposal shall be submitted ) . The required team of experts shall consist of one media expert and one environmentalist . Interested Individual consultants will be responsible for proposing and hiring the services of the other expert in accordance with in the Terms of Reference . The terms of reference is available at the following link : http://environment.pna.ps/ar/files/23.pdf
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Interested consultants shall submit the following in English ( No financial offer is required ) :
1. Letter of interest , demonstrating who is submitting the Expression of Interest ( Eol ) , the team composition and clearly nominates one of the experts as the Team Leader . In case the Eol is submitted by a firm , the letter shall be signed by the authorized signatory .
Curriculum Vitae ( CVs ) , maximum 4 pages for each expert . List of media materials to which the media trainer contributed during the last five years .
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List of practical proven experience of the environmental trainer in delivering or contributing to at least three related training assignments .
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If the EOI is submitted by a firm , the firm shall have a valid license from Ministry of Information .
6. Copy of qualifications and certificates of the experts . 7. A brief methodology and workplan ( maximum 5 pages ) through which the consultant reflects his / her understanding of the TOR and delivering the required services .
For more information , contact Ismail Seyam , Mobile : 0569951906 , from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM .
The Expression of Interest shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered by Tuesday 7 February 2023 no later than 11:30 AM to the following address : Environment Quality Authority , Al Bireh / Al Mub'adeen Street , Room No. 3/2 . Advertisement fees shall be covered by the selected consultant
Dr. Nisreen Tamimi
Chairperson of Environment Quality Authority