التعاون الألماني
Implemented by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / GIZ
" Local Governance Reform Programme ( LGRP ) " Request for Quotation
Procurement of Accounting Software for Targeted Number of Village Councils
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The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit ( GIZ ) is executing the Local Governance Reform Program ( LGRP ) funded by the German Federal Ministry for Eco nomic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) and the Swiss Development Cooperation ( SDC ) to support the improve ment of various national service providers according to the citizen's needs . To contribute to the efforts of improving the capacity of Village Councils ( VCs ) in accounting and financial management , GIZ - LGRP is willing to support a certain number of targeted VCs with an accounting soft ware . The software is a desktop - based software and shall comply with the unified functional and technical require ments for accounting software in VCs created by MOLG . Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quo tations for the provision of the listed specified items . Interested companies may download the inquiry documents starting 29.01.2023 through 09.02.2023 from our tender ing website http : https://tender.gizpal.ps
Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS_Quotation @ giz . de no later than 12.02.2023 before 15:00 . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be declined . Late submissions will not be considered .