Country : Palestine
Name of Project : Additional Financing for the COVID - 19 Emergency Response Project
Contract Title : Supply of Mobile Clinics and Mobile Blood Bank Grant No .: TF0B7823
RFB Reference No .: MOH - WB / COVID19 - AF - G7
1. The Palestine Liberation Organization for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Additional Financing for the COVID - 19 Emergency Response Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Supply of Mobile Clinics and Mobile Blood Bank .
2. The Palestinian Ministry of Health now invites sealed Quotations from eligible Suppliers for the Supply of Mobile Clinics and Mobile Blood Bank as follows :
LOT1 : Mobile Blood Bank Medical Equipment LOT2 : Mobile Clinics Medical Equipment
· LOT3 : Vehicles for Mobile Clinics and Mobile Blood Bank 3. Suppliers may quote for one or several items , as further defined in the Request for Quotations ( RFQ ) document . Suppliers wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so , provided those discounts are included in the Supplier Quotation Form .
4. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Procurement using a Request for Quotations ( RFQ ) as specified in the World Bank's " Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers " dated November 2020 ) . ( " Procurement Regulations " ) , and is open to all eligible Suppliers as defined in the Procurement Regulations . 5. Interested eligible Suppliers may obtain further information from Palestinian Ministry of Health , Projects Procurement Specialist , via email : maqel@hsrsp.ps and inspect the RFQ document during office hours at the address given below .
6. A completed set of RFQ Documents in English can be obtained for free by interested Suppliers from the Procurement Unit at the address given below . The RFQ document can also be downloaded from the link : https://site.moh.ps/Content/File/ UvZZP9na36smCHBPHkzycWRj aJHVhixgizET2fwch8fO6BCt.pdf In case of any difficulty in downloading the RFQ Documents from the above link , Suppliers shall contact the Head of Procurement Unit via e - mail : khalidmattour@moh.ps
and also send a copy to the Project Procurement Specialist via E - mail : maqel@hsrsp.ps
7. Quotations must be delivered to the address below on or before 11:00 am , March 30 , 2023. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted . Late Quotations will be rejected . Quotations will be publicly opened in the presence of the Suppliers ' designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 11:00 am , March 30 , 2023 .
8. The address ( es ) referred to above is ( are ) :
Ministry of Health
Nablus , Palestine
Procurement Unit
Tel : 09 2380060
Fax : 09 2377065
Email : khalidmattour@moh.ps