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Invitation to Bid ( Procurement of Waste Containers Via the project of Improvement of the Collection and Management of Waste from the Central Market of Bethlehem , Palestine ) Bethlehem Municipality
Tender No. 20/2023
Bethlehem Municipality ( BM ) has received a Grant from Aragon Government through Fundacion Paz Y Solidaridad Aragon for the Procurement of Waste Containers Via the project of Improvement of the Collection and Management of Waste from the Central Market of Bethlehem , Palestine , technical supervision by Bethlehem Municipality , in accordance to the specifications , and Conditions of Contract related to the project , all interested bidders should pursue the following bidding Conditions :
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1. Eligible contractors / suppliers should be registered at the VAT and Customs de partment and should provide Bethlehem Municipality with their VAT registration number and financial clearance certificate .
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5. Provided Prices should be VAT excluded , and bidders must submit zero VAT
invoice .
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The bidders should emphasize on previous experience concerning familiar fields of such projects .
Bid Bond Security of 500 Euro should be submitted as a bank guarantee valid for a period of 128 days starting from submission day . Personal checks and or cash payments will not be accepted .
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Bethlehem Mu
nicipality , Arch . Ziad Alsayeh , during office hours ( 08:00 am to 14:00 pm ) on 11/04/2023 .
Bethlehem Municipality is not obliged to accept the lowest price .
Bidders interested in purchasing bid documents from Bethlehem Municipality , starting on Monday 03/04/2023 in order to obtain required documents for a non refundable amount of ( 50 Euro ) .
Eligible contractors should submit their offers in a sealed envelope enclosed no later than Thursday 04/05/2023 before 11:00 a.m.
Bids opening session will be held on Thursday 04/05/2023 at Bethlehem Mu nicipality at 11:00 a.m.
The contractor must provide performances in Arabic and English and accom panied by a technical document as well as catalogs and printed materials that contain information about the items . And this includes names and addresses of companies that will supply service facilities in the ( Palestinian National Author ity areas ) .
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All expenses related to advertisement shall be paid by the successful bidder . For further Information , Please contact : Bethlehem Municipality . Tel : 02-2741323 Fax : 02-2741327
Mr. Hanna Hanania
Mayor of Bethlehem Municipality