RE - Tender Invitation
Equipping the Fab Lab at Deir Al Balah Community Center Tender No : G.CD.GIZK..070.2023 - A
In the framework of the Project " Strengthening the Resilience of Gaza's Population ( GRP ) " funded by the German Government through GIZ , MAAN is implement ing the project : << Strengthening the Resilience of Deir Al Balah Youth through Self Sustained Services » > . Within this project , MAAN is implementing the activity of << Equipping the Fab Lab at Deir Al Balah Community Center " .
Interested Supplier / Service providers can get tender document from MAAN - Gaza office and must follow the following conditions to participate in the above tender : Companies must be authorized registered dealer and registered in the tax depart ments with proof experience in the field of the mentioned works .
The tender is open for Palestinian Companies which have a valid certificate of business / commercial registration and have experience in the field of steel struc tures , industrial equipment and furniture .
Prices must be in EURO , and all prices shall be excluding VAT and Zero VAT invoice shall be submitted for the services .
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Supplier / service provider must provide Valid deduction at Source certificate . Prices must be valid for at least 120 days from the tender submission date . Qualified Supplier / Service providers can get the tender copy starting from Tues day 04th April 2023 till Tuesday 11th April 2023 from MAAN Center between 09:00 AM and 02:00 PM
Offers must be submitted no later than Wednesday 12th April 2023 01:00 PM The Supplier / Service providers must provide a bid bond guarantee ( EURO 1000 ) only ( Only One Thousand EURO ) either by bank guarantee or certified bank check , valid for four months from the last date of tender receipt . Cash or personal checks are not accepted .
A Pre - bid meeting to respond to any inquiries will be carried out on Sunday 9th April 2023 at 11:00 AM in MAAN Gaza Office - Al Moatz 2 Building ground flour .
• MA'AN is not obliged to award the tender to the lowest prices and is not obliged to give reasons .
The awarded Supplier / Service providers shall pay the cost of the original adver tisement and the re - tendered advertisement .
• For further information , please refer to MAAN Office - Logistics Department at : Gaza - Haidar Abd Al Shafi Square - Al Motaz 2 Building - Ground Floor- Next to Blood Bank Building . Telefax 2823712 .
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MA'AN Development Center