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Date .3 / 04 / 2023
Employer : Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA )
Project Name : Connection Points Ramallah and Jenin Water Supply Project
Contract Name : Construction of Transmission Mains , Pump Stations and Reservoir Tanks for Ramallah Bulk Water Supply System
IFB No : PWA / AFD / 2023 / 013 - CTD
Country : Palestine
The Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) has received funds from Agence Française de Développement ( " AFD " ) towards the cost of Connection Points Ramallah and Jenin Water Supply Project . It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the Contract for the Construction of Transmission Mains , Pump Stations and Reservoir Tanks for Ramallah Bulk Water Supply System .
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State of Palestine
Invitation for Bids - Without Prequalification International Procurement Competition
Submition Date Extention
On behalf of PWA , the Central Tendering Department now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion of approx . 43 km water supply pipelines ( DN100-600 ) , Five ( 5 ) Booster Pump Stations and 3 Concrete Water Tanks , complete with associated buildings , valves ' chambers , related outside works , and Central SCADA ( " the Works " ) . National Bidders whether participated as single entity or as part of joint venture shall be classified by National Classification Committee for water and wastewater grade 1- and shall have valid classification certificate ..
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents during the working hours ( 08:00 am to 03:00 pm ) at the address ( 1 ) given below .
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application from CTD to the above and upon payment of a non - refundable fee of 1000 EURO . The method of payment will be a deposit or transfer to the Ministry of Finance Revenue Account [ Bank of Palestine -IBAN No. PS31PALS045802190000013001079 ] . Copy of deposit voucher shall be submitted with the bid .
The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of AFD's Standard Bidding Documents : Procurement of Works .
Attn : Eng . Ziad Daoud Daraghmeh
Deputy PMU Director
Tel : +97022987665
Bidders are encouraged to attend the Pre - Bid Meeting on Tuesday 28/02/2023 , 10:00 AM at Address 1 below . A Site visit conducted by the Employer shall be organized on the following day . Clarification requests by Bidders shall be sent to address 1 below no later than fourteen ( 14 ) days prior to the deadline for submission of Bid .
Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days after the bid submission deadline from ( 17/05/2023 to 13/09/2023 ) .
Sealed bids must be delivered to address 2 below on or before [ 15 : .. noon ] Local Time on Wednesday , 17/05/2023 and must be accompanied by insert Bid security of EUR 500,000 . The bid security must be valid for twenty - eight ( 28 ) days beyond the validity period of the Bid ( 148 days after the bid submission date ) from ( 2023/05/17 to 2023/10/12 ) . Late bids will be rejected . Bids will be opened also in the presence of Bidders ' representatives who choose to attend at the same place on the same day at 12:30 pm .Electronical submission is not accepted
Fax : +9702987336
Mobile : +970598914042
E - mails :
Addressed to : zyd amer@pwa.ps
Copy to : ctd@mpwh.pna.ps
9. Qualification criteria are detailed in Section III of Bid documents . Evaluation and Qualification Criteria ( Without Prequalification ) .
10. The addresses referred to above are :
Address ( 1 ) for Information : Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) Projects Management Unit ( PMU ) Ramallah- Palestine
Address ( 2 ) for purchase and Submission :
Ministry of Public Works and Housing Central Tendering Department
Bitounia Al - Balou ' Street ( Alm'abar ) West Bank / Palestine
Attn : Eng . Fatima Abu Ghabush - Acting General Director Fax : +970 2 2909092
Mobile : +970594277566
E - mail : ctd@mpwh.pna.ps
Invitation for bids advertisement cost in all means shall be paid by the successful bidder .
Central Tendering Department