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The Union of Agricultural Work Committees ( UAWC ) is implementing a project called " Contribute to the Increased Economic Empowerment of Youth Herders Living in area " c " in Palestine as a Response to COVID 19 Crises " which is funded by Grassroots International ( GRI ) . Within this project ; UAWC announces a bid to supply cheese production equipment to Tubas governorate .
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Those who are interested in applying for the above - mentioned tender should receive the tender's documents forms from one of UAWC's of fices in Ramallah , Nablus and Hebron for a sum of 50 $ non - refundable " for each copy " , between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm , starting from Wednesday , 26/4/2023 ( Friday and Saturday are official days off ) until Wednesday , 03/05/2023 . The bids shall be returned to UAWC's office - Ramallah , no later than Thursday 04/05/2023 at 12:00 pm . The bids will be opened on Thursday , 04/05/2023 at 1:00 pm in UAWC's Office in Ramallah .
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WA Grassroots
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Supply of cheese production equipment to Tubas
governorate , Ref # 4-2023
- ( 7 ) 4/25
The advertisement fees should be paid by the winning bidder . Bidders should provide the registration certificate and a valid de duction at source certificate or 10 % will be deducted .
The tender's currency is Euro and the winner bidder should provide a VAT invoice .
The Bidding Committee is not restricted or restrained to accepting the lowest prices .
The bidder must submit a certified bank guarantee or a bank check that equals 5 % of the offered bid . This guarantee must remain valid for 90 days after the submission date of tenders . personal cheques will not be accepted ; otherwise , the tender will be neglected .
For more information about the tender , bidders can send an e - mail to abeer@uawc-pal.org .