التعاون الألماني
ز ٥ / ۱۷ ( 4 )
Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME in Palestine ' ( A - FIN )
Introducing Business Development Services support for Fintech innovators
Call for CVs and Financial offer
The project ' Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME in Palestine ' ( A - FIN ) aims to improve the access of small and me dium - sized enterprises ( SME ) and start - ups to alternative financial services . It also aims to improve the framework conditions for the supply and usage of financial technology ( fintech ) . A - FIN is aiming to facilitate the development and piloting of innovative financial solutions by providing necessary platforms and mentorships . Financial technology ( fintech ) start - ups in Palestine need a range of legal , business , and growth support to help them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business in a complex regulatory environment . It is of interest to the GIZ team to con tract a consortium of business development and legal experts to support necessary pilots in A - FIN's pipeline , identified and recommended use cases through reference projects . A - FIN is looking to hire a consortium of experts specialized in innovation , business law , business and tech related value chain development , market expansion and can deliver business development services , financial strategy , marketing strategy and legal recommendations for chosen fintech pilots .
Within this context , AFIN seeks qualified locally registered ser vice providers to carry out this assignment , and hereby invites firms to submit proposals for providing the needed services . Interested applicants can download the Call for Consultancy Service document starting 17.05.2023 until 27.05.2023 from our tendering website https://tender.gizpal.ps
and send their proposal to the e - mail PS_Quotation@giz.de no later than 30.05.2023 before 15 PM . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be refused .
Kindly state in the email subject line " Introducing Business Development Services support for Fintech innovators " Tender # 83438435