دولة فلسطين- وزارة المالية - الإدارة العامة للعلاقات الدولية والمشاريع
Country : Palestine
Project : Public Financial Management Improvement Project ( PFMIP ) Grant No .: TFOB8064
Assignment Title : Consultancy Services to support Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics ( PCBS ) in improving their databases of economic establishments .
Reference No. GZ - MOFP - 364567 - CS - QCBS
The Ministry of Finance ( MoF ) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the International Development Association , and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services . The consulting services ( " the Services " ) include covering all economic establishments within the specified localities in order to develop the databases of economic establishments that will form the updated statistical framework for economic establishments and that will improve the measurement of the informal sector .
The following are to be accomplished but is not limited to :
* Selecting and contracting staff who will collect data from the field .
* Provide photocopying service for all documentation needed for the training that will be conducted by PCBS for the filed workers .
* Selecting and contracting team who will work on coding economic activities .
* Develop and submit an implementation plan .
* Collecting data from the field .
The assignment will be implemented over a period of 2 months from contract signing to final acceptance . The expected start date of the assignment is December 2023 .
Consultancy firms interested in this assignment should e - mail : pfmi.bids@pmof.ps for the detailed Terms of Reference ( TOR ) .
The Palestinian Ministry of Finance now invites eligible consulting firms ( " Consultants " ) to indicate their interest in providing the Services . Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services .
The shortlisting criteria are : core business and years in business , relevant experience , technical and managerial capability of the firm . Key Experts will not be evaluated at the short listing stage . SHORTLISTING CRITERIA
Core Business : a national consulting firm shall have experience in the field of administrative supervision over the implementation of data collection and research .
Years in Business : At least 5 years ' experience in conducting survey tool , research and studies especially projects related to economic establishments
Relevant experience :
1. Relevant implemented projects / researches and the year of implementation .
2. At least 2 relevant samples from previous experience of similar nature and complexity during the
last five ( 5 ) years of the required assignment described in the TOR .
3. Has experience in conducting statistical work and statistical services .
4. Has an impressive experience , through the use of the latest programs and technologies .
5. Solid technical and administrative experience of following up and supervising the implementation of all stages of the survey .
Ability to mobilize technical resources : the consulting firm shall be able to mobilize knowledgeable , capacity and experienced managerial and technical resources to implement this assignment .
The managerial capability of the firm : the consulting firm shall demonstrate its understanding of the required assignment described in the ToR .
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III , paragraphs , 3.14 , 3.16 , and 3.17 of the World Bank's " Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers " dated November 2020 ( " Procurement Regulations " ) , setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest .
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and / or a sub - consultancy . In the case of a joint venture , all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract , if selected .
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection ( QCBS ) method set out in the Procurement Regulations .
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours : Sunday - Thursday ( 8:00 AM - 3 : 00 PM , Palestine time , GMT +03 : 00 )
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by e - mail or in person by Sunday , July 09 , 2023 12:30 P.M. ( Jerusalem , Palestine Time ) .
Ministry of Finance - General Directorate of International Relations and Projects Public Financial Management Improvement Project ( PFMIP )
Attn : Mrs. Laila Eghreib
P.O. Box 795 , Ramallah , Palestine Tel : 00970-2-29788303 / 2 /
Fax : 00970-22978831
Mobile : 00970593108195
E - mail : pfmi.bids@pmof.ps