Trudo Facilitation & Custom Support
Request for Proposals ( RFP )
Leaflet design and production for Palestinian
Standards Institution / Testing Labs Trade Facilitation and Customs Support Programme ( Tasdeer )
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Tasdeer , an FCDO - funded trade facilitation pro gramme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories , is so liciting proposals from eligible and responsible com panies with sufficient expertise and knowledge of the design and production of a leaflet for the leather and shoes labs in Hebron to be used by PSI to increase public awareness about the lab's services and its cer tificate . The leaflet design is expected to be modern , creative , attractive , and easy to read .
Interested firms can request a copy of the RFP document via email at procurement@tasdeer.ps no later than 16:00 pm ( Ramallah Time ) on Thursday 6th July 2023 - Procurement Reference TFCS - RFP - 2023-002 .
Closing date for submission of proposals : 16:00 pm , Tuesday 18th July 2023 ( Ramallah Time )