Caritas Baby Hospital Bethlehem
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Invitation to Bid
Tender Number : ITB - 2023-64 - Ultrasound Supply and Installation of one General Ultra sound System At
Caritas Baby Hospital / Bethlehem Caritas Baby Hospital is the only exclusively pediatric hospital in the West Bank . It offers a wide range of pediatric inpatient and outpatient medical and social services . The hospital was founded in Bethlehem in 1953 , and is run and operated by Children's Relief Bethlehem , a Swiss NGO based in Lucerne .
Caritas Baby Hospital would like to purchase One General Ultrasound System .
Interested companies can receive the bidding documents in person against a non - refundable cash payment of 300 NIS starting from Thursday 20/7/2023 through Wednesday 26/7/2023 between 9 : 00- 14:00 from :
Procurement Manager - Mrs. Fatin Sleibi Annex Building
Caritas Baby Hospital - Bethlehem