Request for Proposal ( RFP )
Bid Title : " Project Management System ( PMS ) " . Bid # : ( P / 3 / 2023 )
The Palestinian Housing Council ( PHC ) is appealing for a request for proposal from local software development providers , including private firms and qualified independent individual developers for strengthening PHC capacity through developing a Project Management System PMS for the selection of PHC beneficiaries within the scope of the " Housing Development and Infrastructure Support in Jerusalem project " , funded by the European Union .
Application Requirement and Submission :
Collecting the RFP
14-27 / 08 / 2023
Answers to queries and circulating MoM of the incep
tion meeting
Submission of the bid
1. Eligible candidates are local software development providers , private firms and qualified independent individual developers .
2. Receipt of the RFP : candidates who would like to participate in providing the services for PHC are welcome to collect the required documents from Admin istrative Department at PHC headquarters - Al - Bireh , Al - Sharafeh , An - Numan Building , 3rd floor , during PHC working hours until Sunday 27/08/2023 . 3. Prices shall be in EUROS excluding VAT ( VAT exemption will be provided ) . 4. Ability to provide a Zero - VAT invoice , and any financial requirements accord ing to the Palestinian procedures and regulations .
5. An inception meeting will be conducted on Monday 28/08/2023 at PHC head quarters from 10:00 to 11:00 A.M.
6. The offer shall be delivered in a sealed envelope addressed :
" Request for Proposal - Project Management System PMS "
Submitted to the Financial Department of the Palestinian Housing Council , located : On the third floor of Al - Numan Building ,
Al - Sharfa / Al - Birch ,
> - ( 5 ) 8/13
prior 12:00 PM on Monday 11/09/2023 . The opening bid public session will be held at 1:00 PM on the same date , at PHC headquarters ; the third floor of Al - Numan Building ,
Al - Sharfa / Al - Bireh .
7. Received bids after the deadline will not be accepted .
8. This call for RFP does not constitute a solicitation . PHC reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the RFP and / or solicita tion process . PHC also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final solicitation documents . Submitting a reply to a call for RFP does not automatically guarantee receipt of the solicita tion documents when issued .