العمل ضد الجوع
Action Against Hunger tackles the causes and effects of hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children , women and men . Established in France in 1979 , Action Against Hunger is a nongovernmental , non - political , non - religious , non - profit organization . Action Against Hunger has been working in the Pales tinian Territory since 2002. Action Against Hunger in partnership with MA'AN Development Center through a fund from oPt Humanitarian Fund , would like to invite eligible contractors to submit their price offers for the Supply and delivery of none - food items ( NFI ) to south of Hebron governorate ( Publication Reference : PI - HB - 01800 ) , according to the following conditions :
Eligible contractor should be registered with the VAT and customs department and has the ability to provide Zero VAT invoice to Action Against Hunger with their VAT Number registration and financial clearance certificate .
Eligible contractor can obtain quotation request documents from Action Against Hunger Hebron office - Hebron University Street , Bilal Maraqa Building 4th floor , or by sending an email to rowaywi@pt.acfspain.org starting from Thursday , August 17th , 2023 , at 12:00 am ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) . The last day to distribute quotation requests documents is on Thursday , 24th August 2023 at 2:00 pm ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) , office hours are from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm - Sunday to Thursday .
Interested contractors on the aforementioned quotation should provide Action Against Hunger with all requested documents before having the quotation dossier . For more information on this regard , please send an email to rowaywi@pt.acfspain.org during the formal working hours . Eligible contractors should submit their offers in a sealed envelope or by email no later than Sunday 27th August , 2023 at 12:00 am ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) .
• Action Against Hunger and MA'AN Development Center are not obliged to accept the lowest price .
Action Against Hunger and MA'AN Development Center have the right to postpone , cancel or extend the quotation request .
Action Against Hunger and MA'AN Development Center have the right to cancel any item in the bill of quantities .
Quotation announcement fees will be paid by the quotation winner .
The prices excluding VAT and the contractor should be able to issue Zero VAT invoice .
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