Tender Announcement
Invitation to Bid
Tender Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment , Medications , and Medical Supplies
Tender Salamati - WB - FY24 - SA0016 " Supply and Deliv ery of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies "
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CARE International in West Bank and Gaza is an international , nonprofit , organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis .
With funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Palestine , CARE Palestine West Bank / Gaza ( WBG ) is imple menting a comprehensive , three - year project named " Salamati " , to increase access to quality SRH clinical services , enhance awareness of SRHR at grassroots level within communities , and to address the socio - cultural barriers by engaging youth and ensure inclusion with SRHR advocacy and policy . This project aims to strengthen the sexual and reproductive health and rights for Palestinian communities , including women , school pupils ( grade 8 to 11 ) and youth in the West Bank and Gaza . The project targets school children ( grade 8 to 11 ) ; school staff ; youth ( age 18-25 ) in and out of school ; female community members with a focus on PWD and chronically ill ; health staff ; and residents of camps and villages who are underserved in the West Bank and Gaza .
CARE International WBG would like to invite sealed bids from eligible and qualified suppliers who are officially registered lo cally in the field of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies and who have experience in supply and delivery of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies in accordance with the terms and condi tions , Bill of Quantities ( BOQs ) presented within the tender .
Suppliers may quote for any item in the BOQs under this invita tion , given that all items within BOQ MUST be priced individu ally .
Each item will be evaluated and awarded separately to the lowest responsive supplier . Given that , CARE International WBG has the right to increase / decrease the quantities without any addition al cost or drop any or all quantities mentioned in the BOQ in this tender , and / or to award each item / BOQ totally or partially .
All interested suppliers can obtain a copy of the tender docu ments the official working hours ( 9:00 am - 3:00 pm ) from Mon day , September 4th , 2023 , till Monday September 18th , 2023 , at 15:00 O'clock In the address presented below .
Deadline for Bids Submission
On or before Monday September 18th , 2023 , at 15:00 O'clock Note : Late bids will be rejected .
Bid Security
Value : 5 % of total bid price .
Validity : September 18th , 2023 - December 18th , 2023
Format : Bid Security in the form of bank guarantee or certified cheques . Cash or personal cheques are not accepted .
Means of Submission
Sealed bids envelope addressed and submitted to CARE Interna tional WBG secured " Bid Box "
Address of Submission
West Bank
CARE International Ramallah Office
Building 48,1st floor , Tireh Street , Ramallah | P.O.Box 54258 , Jerusalem , 91541
Mobile : +970 ( 0 ) 5992949731 Tel : 972 ( 0 ) 2 295 4949 1