تسجيل الدخول
Rehabilitation of Internal Water Network and Main Transmission Line








Request for Quotation
RFQ : RDP II EDS0003 Rafat
Rehabilitation of Internal Water Network and Main
Transmission Line in Rafat
Ministry of Local Government ( MoLG ) , Ein Misbah ( herein after called " Client " ) has received funding ( hereinafter called " the funds " ) from the French Development Agency ( hereinaf ter called " the Agency " ) toward the cost of the Rural Develop ment Project Phase II .

Ministry of Local Government ( MoLG ) now invite sealed bids from eligible and qualified contractors ( Specialized as Water & Sanitation- Grade 3 or above as per the updated classification of National Classification Committee ) for Rehabilitation of Internal Water Network and Main Transmission Line in Rafat according to the terms and conditions in the RFQ documents . A complete set of RFQ Documents can be obtained from Min istry of Local Government- against non - refundable bid fees of 100 Euros to be paid at Bank of Palestine , account number ( 3212105 ) at the address below , between 18 October , 2023 - 19 November , 2023 ( 8:00 am - 15:00 pm local time ) .

A Pre - bid meeting will be conducted on Monday 30th of Octo ber 2023 at 10:00 am at Rafat VC .

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The contractors shall furnish as part of its bid , an Uncondition al Bid Security / Certified Bank Check in the amount of EURO [ 5000 ] should be submitted , and valid for 120 days from the deadline of bid submission date . Cash or personal checks are not accepted .

Quotation ( s ) shall remain valid for the period of Ninety ( 90 ) calendar days after the deadline for bid submission .
The winner will pay the advertising fees in local newspapers .

Field of Work

Deadline for Submission & Bid Opening Date

Bid Security


Rehabilitation of Internal Water Network and Main Transmission Line in Rafat

20 November , 2023 at 12:00 pm ( local time ) , at Ministry of Local Government .

Amount : 5000 EURO
Validity : 120 days from the deadline of bid submission date

Format : Unconditional Bank Guarantee / Certified Bank Check

By Hand :
Ministry of Local Government , Project Management Unit / RDP Project
Tel : +970 2 240 1092 , Fax : +970 2 240 1091 , Jawwal : 0593 575 863
P.O. Box : 731 Palestine , Ein Misbah Ramallah