ACTED , implementing humanitarian assistance projects under Multi - Donor's funding , is inviting suppliers of emergency materials , to submit offers for at least one or all lots for the following sup plies :
Lot Description Quantity Unit
See detailed BoQ 15,000 ILS in the offer forms
for each lot
Quantities in
RoQs are only for tender
Guarantee amount
calculations and may vary
15,000 ILS
INCOTERMS & Delivery point
To various locations in West Bank including area C
To various locations in West Bank including area C
LOGISTICS PRO - 05.1 Version 01/2022
* Eligible contractors for the tender need to secure entry of a tender as per the table above as a bank guar antee valid for 90 days from tender closing date , or a certified bank cheque where personal cheques and cash are not accepted .
Within 7
days from the
Within 7 calendar days from the purchase order
ACTED has the right to split the tender or award it as a whole to one supplier .
The Framework agreement signed with suppliers will be for ( 2 ) years duration period . Eligible contractor should be registered at PCU ( Palestinian Contractors Union ) .
Eligible contractor should be registered at the VAT and customs department , and has the ability to provide ACTED with ZERO VAT invoices . ( The project is VAT exempted ) .
Fees of tender advertising in newspapers / Jobs.ps will be charged to the winner supplier ( s ) .
The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents , open to all qualified suppliers and service providers . The Bidding Documents ( in English ) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address :
61/11 ( 1 )
ACTED representative office in [ 6th floor , Mikkawi_Commercial Complex , Al Masayef - the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . ]
Or can be downloaded from www.jobs.ps website .
Or can be downloaded from the ACTED website at www.acted.org under the section " Call for Tenders " . Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the ACTED website regularly for potential modification to the present tender and / or to the bidding documents .
A pre - tender information session will be organized on [ 10th.Dec.2023 ] at [ 1:00 PM ] in ACTED representa tive office in [ Offices NO . 603 & 604 in the 6th floor , Mikkawi_Commercial Complex , Al Masayef - the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . ] . Participation of interested bidders to the information ses sion is preferable but not compulsory .
All offers must be submitted before [ 21th.Dec.2023 ] at [ 4:00 PM ] at the address ( es ) mentioned above in a sealed envelope . Late Bids will be automatically rejected .
ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED .
A tender opening session will take place on [ 24th.Dec.2023 ] at [ 10:00 AM ] in the ACTED representative office in [ Offices NO . 603 & 604 in the 6th floor , Mikkawi_Commercial Complex , Al Masayef - the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . ] The presence of bidders ' representative is allowed .
For all inquiries regarding this tender , please contact the ACTED representative office in [ 6th floor , Mikka wi_Commercial Complex , Al Masayef - the northern front of Ramallah and Al - Bireh Cities . ] no later than [ 17th.Dec.2023 ] at [ 12:00 PM ] by telephone ( + [ 972 593554459 ] ) or by E - mail at opt.tender@acted.org , Cc tender@acted.org .
NOTE : if you witness or suspect any unlawful , improper or unethical act or business practices ( such as solic iting , accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback ) during the tendering process , please contact the following phone number +33 6 07 22 46 28 and / or send an e - mail to transparency@acted.org .