Reference : MAR - RML0016
Tender Notice
( ۲ ) ۱۱/۲۷
تأهيل شركات مستلزمات منزلية ولوازم الاستعداد لفصل الشتاء
Mercy Corps is a non - religious . non - profit and non - governmental international humanitarian organization .
Mercy Corps is inviting qualified suppliers to participate in a tender for the timely provision of emergency relief for Winterization and Household Items in the West Bank .
تدعو مؤسسة Mercy Corps الموردين المؤهلين للمشاركة في مناقصة لتوفير مواد الإغاثة الأساسية من المستلزمات المنزلية والشتوية : كمعدات المطبخ ولوازم الأسرة ( أغطية ومخدات ) والشوادر وغيرها من المواد العازلة في الضفة الغربية .
If you are interested in submitting a bid . you will need to complete an Intent to Form and submit it according to the guidelines below . The suppliers can acquire the Intend to Bid form by sending an email to the following address : ps-mc-tender@mercycorps.org with email subject " MAR - RML0016 " .
Intend to Bid Form can be picked up at Mercy Corps office located in Al Bardouni Building . Jaffa Street .
Completed Intent to Bid Forms must be submitted to Mercy Corps by 3 December 2023 Before 15:00 in one of the below methods .
Email completed Intent to Bid Form to the following address : ps-mc-tender@mercycorps.org with email subject " MAR
RML0016 " .
Return completed Intent to Bid Form in person and put in the Tender Box placed at Mercy Corps office at the following address : 5th floor - Al Bardouni building - Yafa St. Ramallah . The Tender Reference number should be written in the envelop .
The company should be an authorized dealer having VAT / Tax registr tion . Tax / VAT Registration Certificate copies should be provided .
يجب أن يكون للشركة تسجيل في الضريبة . ينبغي تقديم نسخة من شهادة التسجيل الضريبي / ضريبة القيمة المضافة .
After the closing date of this Tender Notice . the Request for Proposal will be sent to the suppliers who submitted Intent to Bid Forms . The Request for Proposal will be sent according to the preference you have mentioned in the Intent to Bid Form .