Secure Palestinians Land & Housing Rights ( SPLHR )
NEAR - TS / 2019 / 411-419
مشروع حماية الحق الفلسطيني في الأرض والسكن
- ( 4 ) 12/2
Invitation to Tender No ( LRC / SPLHR / 2020-5 ) Evaluation services for Secure Palestinian Lands & Housing Rights project ( SPLHR )
Land Research center is soliciting bids from Consultants ( companies / individu als ) to evaluate Secure Palestinians Land & Housing Rights ( SPLHR II ) NEAR TS / 2019 / 411-419 " , Implemented by Land Research Center in partnership with the Society of St. Yves- Catholic Center for Human Rights & Engineers Association Jerusalem ( EAJC ) , also with General Union of Palestinian Peasants and Agricul tural Cooperatives ( GUPPAC ) as a Project Third Party this is part of SPLHR project activities , implemented by LRC and funded by the European Union .
Interested experienced consultants are to come to one of Land Research Center offices , in Hebron / Halhul / Arab Engineers Building / Second floor , or Nablus / Al - Imara Building 1 / fourth floor to obtain the bidding documents during working hours between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm , starting from Sunday December 3ed 2023 to Sunday December 10th 2023 , The bids shall be submitted in a sealed and stamped envelope to one of LRC offices no later than Monday 13:00 December 11th 2023 . Please Note that :
1. LRC is not obliged to take the lowest price offered .
2. Interested consultants shall provide evidence of experience in this field through a CV of previous experiences .
3. Interested consultants shall provide evidence of Legal Registration .
4. Offered prices shall be in EUR , and do not include value added tax , the project is exempt from taxation .
5. Interested consultants shall submit a guarantee ( a certified bank chic or a bank guarantee ) that equals 5 % of the tender value or its equivalent in Euro valid for 30 days and addressed to Land Research Center .
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No offers will be accepted after Monday 13:00 December 11th 2023 . 7. Tender fees : 30 USD - Nonrefundable .
8. Fees of the newspaper advertisement are on the winning bidder .
9. Date of Tender opening : Monday 13:00 December 11th 2023 - Palestine time . 10. Bidders can attend the bid opening session , taking into consideration safety precautions against the Corona pandemic as recommended in the Palestinian territories .
Note : In case it's impossible to reach one of LRC offices to obtain the bidding documents , you can get an electronic version after transferring the tender fees to one of our bank accounts .
For more information you can contact us on one of the following numbers 0569814609 or 0599113344