تسجيل الدخول
Consulting ( IC ) Services

Programme :
Project :


Palestinian Territories
National TVET Commission ( NTC )

Sustainable economic development , employment promotion and education
Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) & Promotion of the Employability of Palestinian Youth in the Palestinian Territories
( Investment- & Accompanying Measures )
Assignment : Implementation Consulting ( IC ) Services


Submission Deadline :

Monday , February 12 , 2024 at 12.00 hrs pm local time in Ramallah , Palestine ( GMT + 2 )
BMZ - No . 2017.6838.1 / 2018.7042.7 / 2019.6776.9 , KfW Procurement No. 509 616 , GSD - Tender No ( TVET - GSD / KFW / 2024 / 11 ) .

To support the Palestinian Authority in its systemic reform and modernization of the TVET system , the Government of Germany , represented by BMZ , has committed to grant funds . The Recipient of the project funds is the Palestine Liberation Organization , represented by the Ministry of Finance and the project is called " Promotion of Vocational Education / Employability of Palestinian Youth in the Palestinian Territories " . Its duration is 5 years and the NTC of Palestine will act as Project Executing Agency .

The overall development objective of the Project is to contribute to the improvement of the employment situation in the Palestinian Territories by means of labour market - oriented qualification offers in terms of quantity , quality , and institutions / infrastructure . The objective of the Project is to create the institutional and financial conditions for higher performance of the Palestinian TVET sector . The following outputs are foreseen :

Output 1 : The funding mechanism ( TIME Fund ) is established and operational
Output 2 : The LEAD Institute for TVET of the NTC ( TVET University , Nablus ) is established and functioning

To support the newly established NTC , different Measures are defined :
Investment Measure A - TVET Infrastructure Modernization & Equipment ( TIME ) Fund Accompanying Measure B - Project Implementation Unit ( PIU )
Investment Measure C - LEAD Institute

The objective of the requested consulting services as IC ( hereafter " assignment " ) is to support the implementation of the project . In particular , this shall mean

to establish the TIME Fund in an efficient manner tailored to the Palestinian context and to continuously support the implementation of TIME cycles facilitating strategic investments into the Palestinian TVET sector via a long - term financing instrument .
to establish and empower a fully functional PIU to effectively manage the project in a sustainable manner . to facilitate discussions on the LEAD Institute of the TVET University , Nablus .
Efficient management of the assignment in close cooperation with the main stakeholders is considered key to meet the defined objective .

Further Information : This prequalification for consulting services will be guided by the latest version of the Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services , Works , Plant , Goods and Non - Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries " ( version of January 2021 ) , see KfW Procurement Guideline . It is foreseen to assign the services to an independent consultant firm with proven experience in the sector and the region . The minimum annual turnover shall be 2 € 1.5 million . The PQ document with detailed information about the project , required qualifications of the Consultants , and instructions for application should be requested from the following addresses . Emails must be addressed to all recipients .

To :
in CC to :
in CC to :
Tender Agent
Email : gsd@pmof.ps Email : TA@dobschuetz-consult.de Email : hnaser@tvetcommission.gov.ps Notes : Emails not addressing all recipients as mentioned above will not be answered . Further information and clarifications can be obtained by e - mail to the above - mentioned recipients up to 15 days before the submission deadline of the Application . At any time , the above - mentioned recipients either at own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an interested consultant may clarify this invitation . Such information shall be sent in writing by email to all registered parties ( automatic registration upon request for PQ document ) .