دولة فلسطيـن - سلطة جودة البيئة
J2 / 24
State of Palestine
Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) Request for Expression of Interest / Individual Consultancy Services Building the capacity of EQA staff in
( تمويل خارجي ) environmental sampling
Ref . No ( EQA / SPEAP / 2024018 / R )
The Government of Palestine represented by the Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) received financing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ( Sida ) towards the cost of the program << Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Plan » > , Sida Contribution number 52110101 .
Under the first strategic objective of the program ( Improved Environmental Governance ) , EQA intends to apply part of the grant for Individual consulting services under the contract titled " Building the capacity of EQA staff in environmental sampling " . Duty station will be Ramallah with one day allocated for field training at selected location / s within Ramallah - Albireh Governorate . The required services also include preparing guidelines for EQA's inspectors on environmental sampling .
The EQA now invites eligible individual consultants / trainers to express their interest in delivering the required services ( No financial proposal shall be submitted ) . Firms may apply through offering a qualified expert , however the firm will not be part of the evaluation process . The Terms of Reference is available at the following link :
https://environment.ps/wp-content/uploads/202402//Sampling-TOR.pdf Your Expression of Interest ( Eol ) shall be in English and shall consist of the following :
1. Letter of interest , demonstrating who is submitting the Expression of Interest . In case the Eol is submitted by a firm , the letter shall be signed by the authorized signatory . No financial offer shall be stated or mentioned .
2. Curriculum Vitae ( CVS ) , maximum 4 pages showing specific experience .
3. Academic qualifications and certificates ( copies ) .
4. Simple technical proposal ( 3 to 5 pages ) including proposed workplan , methodology and any suggestions or comments on the Terms of References .
For more information , contact Ismail Seyam , Mobile : 0569951906 , 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM . The Expression of Interest shall be submitted via email to both of the following addresses no later than 11:30 AM , Monday 4rd of March 2024 :
The costs of the newspaper advertisement will be covered by the
selected consultant .
Dr. Nisreen Tamimi
Chairperson of Environment Quality Authority