Reference : PR116249
Tender Notice
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Mercy Corps is a non - religious , non - profit , and non - gov- ernmental international humanitarian organization .
Mercy Corps is seeking registered and authorized compa- nies to submit Intent to Bid form , to supply an American manufactured Eight - Seater Van ( Israeli Registration- Yellow Plate ) with Engine capacity of 6.6L V8 ( petrol powered engine ) and Automatic Transmission .
If you are interested in submitting a bid , you will need to complete an Intent to Bid Form and submit it according to the guidelines below :
1. The suppliers can download the Intent to Bid Form on this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/18A 5rUMs2b2vtcL7oti592Zdhyjv5Nzem / edit ? usp = s haring & ouid = 104579980261656765549 & rtpof = t
rue & sd = true
2. Intend to Bid Form can be picked up at the Mercy Corps office in Ramallah , Al - Bardauni Building , Procurement office , 5th Floor .
Completed Intent to Bid Forms must be submitted to Mercy Corps by 28 March 2023 , before 13:00 in one of the below methods .
Email completed Intent to Bid Form to ps-tender@mercycorps.org with the Tender Reference number in the email subject line [ ITB - PR116249 ]
Return completed Intent to Bid Form in person to be inserted into the Tender Box placed at the Mercy Corps Office in Ramallah , Al - Bardauni Building , Procurement office , 5th Floor . The Tender Reference number should be written on the envelop .
After the closing date of this Tender Notice , the Request for Bid will be sent to the service providers who submit- ted Intent to Bid Forms . The Request for Bid will be sent according to the preference you have mentioned in the