Shaping a more livable world .
Palestine Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance for Recovery and Transition ( SMART ) Project
Request for Proposal
No. RFP - SMART - RAM - 24-0045-53
Supply , Delivery and Installation of Photovoltaic ( PV ) Solar Panel
The Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance for Recovery and Transi- tion ( SMART ) project is a four year , USAID funded program imple- mented by DAI . SMART aims to rapidly recover Palestinian enter- prises and put them on a path to revitalization following unprecedented economic distress and COVID - 19 pandemic . SMART will help enter- prises regain productivity , grow , and expand . It will promote economic growth and self - reliance in East Jerusalem , West Bank and Gaza .
For the SMART Project , DAI is seeking qualified vendors to submit quotations for Supply , Delivery and Installation of Photovoltaic ( PV ) Solar Panel Systems for Several Beneficiaries in the West Bank as part of the " Climate Change Business Program -CCB " Vendors responding to the RFP will be required to provide :
Company Profile
Company Registration from the Ministry of National Economy Previous Relevant Experience / References
Previous international donor / USAID experience is preferred .
Pre - qualified firms will be required to comply with USAID rules and regulations .
Interested vendors can obtain an electronic copy of the Request for Proposal document for all details and submission procedures by send- ing an email to SMARTprocurement@dai.com . The subject line of the e - mail should indicate the relevant interested RFP number and description .
Deadline for requesting the RFP document via e - mail is on May 15 , 2024 , by 4:30 PM ( local time ) . No inquiries by phone .