تسجيل الدخول
Implementation of China - aided Road Extension project in Ramallah

بلدية الا الله


中国 援助



مساعدة الصين

Request for Bids -Works
Bidding Process Name : Implementation of China - aided Road Extension project in Ramallah
Bidding Process Number : RamMun / RM / 2024 / 31
1. Ramallah Municipality intends to apply part of the proceeds under the public budget for the Implementation of China - aided Road Extension in Ramallah project financed by Chinese Government toward payment under the Contract Implementation of China - aided Road Extension in Ramallah , Bid No. RamMun / RM / 2024 / 31
2. Ramallah Municipality now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders -who are qualified and classified in the Road sector at least class2 , by the National Committee for Contractors Classification- for the Implementation of the Extension works of China - aided Roads in the City . The project work is to be executed according to general specification of Roads , and the bid specifications and conditions . Further details concerning the subject of the bid are provided in the Bid documents . 3. Public bidding will be conducted through a request for competitive bids National in accordance with the provisions of Public Procurement Law No.8 of 2014 and its implementing regulations and is open to all eligible bidders . The required qualifications for the successful Bidder are specified in the Bidding Documents .
4. Interested eligible bidders may inspect the Bidding Documents through the Public Procurement Portal www.shiraa.gov.ps or Ramallah Municipality website www.ramallah.ps . Further information can be obtained from Ramallah Municipality at the address given below , from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM from Monday to Thursday and Saturday .
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders from Citizen Service Center -Ramallah Municipality and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee 150US $ .
6. A site visit will be held on 222024 / 06 / at 10:00 AM , the pre - bid meeting shall be held at Ramallah Municipality , meeting Hall . 7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Monday 1/07/2024 at 12:00 PM . Electronic bidding will not be permitted . Bids must be valid for a period of 90 days after the final date for Bid Submission .
8. The quoted prices will be in US $ and exclusive of all taxes related to the project . All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of 80,000US $ according to the forms and conditions provided in the Bidding Documents .
9. Late bids will be rejected . Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders ' designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend on Monday 1/07/2024 at 12:00 PM at Ramallah Municipality , Municipality hall .
10. The address referred to above is :
Ramallah Municipality , Purchasing and Tendering Unit , Tel : 00970 2945555 , Fax : 00970 2963214 .
Email : tenders@ramallah.ps

11. The fees of the newspaper advertising is to be paid by the contractor

who wins the bid .
Issa Kassis / Mayor of Ramallah