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Invitation to Tender
Construction of a New Sports Hall at the Ramallah Friends School ( RFS ) - Lower Campus
USAID / ASHA Grant # : 72ASHA21CA00016
RFS is pleased to announce this invitation to tender for the Construction of a New Sports Hall at the Ramallah Friends School ( RFS ) Lower Campus , to local and international contractors , in part or whole . The Tender is open for qualified contractors registered by the Palestinian Contractors ' Union under the Building construction sector first - class .
Tender Documents can be collected at the Ramallah Friends School ( El - Bireh Campus / Head of School office , Tel 02-2958320 ) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm starting Tuesday 25/06/2024 and ending Tuesday 02/07/2024 ( excluding Friday and Sunday ) for a non- refundable amount of 100 US Dollars .
- Tenders shall be valid for 120 days and must be accompanied by a Tender guarantee of $ 30,000 in the form of a bank guarantee or a certified cheque for the benefit of the Friends Schools . The site visit is scheduled on Tuesday , 09/7/2024 , at 11:00 A.M. A pre - bid meeting will be held immediately thereafter .
- Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered in hard and soft copies to the Head of School's Office at Ramallah Friends School ( Upper School Campus- El - Bireh ) on or before Tuesday 23/07/2024 at 12:00 P.M.
- Ramallah Friends School is not bound to accept the lowest- priced or submitted tender . The winning bidder will pay the cost price of the notice of invitation for the bid .