من الشعب الأمريكي
Procurement of Construction Contractors
Procurement Solicitation number : RFP- DAI - TVET - 24-003 Procurement of Construction Contractors ,
The Forsah Technical and Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) Program is a United States Agency for International De- velopment USAID funded program implemented , in part , by DAI under the IREX prime contract . Forsah TVET aims to build the ca- pacities of TVET institutions in order to meet labor market demands and provide Palestinians with meaningful , well - paying employment and income generating opportunities . Forsah TVET will support the development of new technical trainings and improve the quality and relevancy of existing technical programs , with a particular focus on improving youth access . Under the Forsah TVET Program , infra- structure modifications of TVET institutions are to be conducted . Through this Request for Proposal ( RFP ) , DAI is seeking to contract experienced construction contractors to implement rehabilitation and beautification infrastructure modifica- tions under the Forsah TVET program in East Jerusalem . Specialized contractors interested in this procurement must re- quest the RFP document no later than July 29th , by 14:00 PM Ramallah time , by sending an email to :
ForsahTVETprocurement@dai.com . The subject line of the e - mail should be " RFP - DAI - TVET - 24-003 " .
About DAI : DAI is a global development company with corporate offic- es in the United States , the United Kingdom , EU , Nigeria , Pakistan , and Palestine and project operations worldwide . We tackle fundamental so- cial and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets , ineffective governance , and instability . DAI works on the frontlines of global development . We are committed to shaping a more livable world .