تسجيل الدخول
Consulting Services for the Implementation Consultant

State of Palestine
Ministry of Finance
General Supplies Department

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Consulting Services for the Implementation Submission deadline


Monday , December 9th ,

Country : Palestinian Territories

2024 at 10.00 hrs.am

local time in Ramallah ,

Palestine ( GMT + 2 )

Procurement No .: 507659 :
GSD No .: MEHE - GSD / KFW / 2024 / 143 Prequalification Notice
Ref : International , open Tender for the project : JFA Education Fund Phase IV / VI Tenderer : General Supplies Department for the benefit of Ministry of Education & Higher Education ( MEHE )
Project Measures : The Programme concerns financial and technical support for the implementation of the Palestinian Education Development Strategic Plans ( EDSP ) III and Palestine Education Strategy ( 20242029- ) and is part of a basket funding mechanism that is governed by a so - called Joint Financing Arrangement III & IV ( JFA III & IV ) . The JFA III is currently supported by Finland , Ireland , Norway and KfW for account of Germany ( Joint Financing Partners JFPS ) and finances measures under the Education Sector Strategic Plan « Updated Strategy « 20172023- and PES ( 20242029- ) .All Programme activities ( such as , but not limited to school constructions and major school extensions , as well as furnishings and equipment , including specialized rooms , workshops and technological / ICT equipment , heating systems , school buses ) shall be financed from the basket fund and a Grant provided by KfW .
During Programme implementation the MEHE will generally assume the role of the Project Executing Agency ( PEA ) and be responsible for all matters pertaining to the implementation of the ESSP and PES . Besides the MEHE , the Ministry of Financial Planning ( MoFP ) will be responsible for the management of the JFPs financial contributions to the basket fund so that with regard to financial matters of Pro - gramme implementation both Ministries will be involved .
Requested Services : The objective of the JFA Consultants assignment is to support the Ministries with implementation of the Programme .
1. .Scope Related to Overall Programme Management

2 .

3 .

a . Project Kick - off and Inception Phase ,
b . Support in project management and reporting .
c . Support financial management , budgeting , and reporting Capacity building .
Scope Related to the Implementation of the ESSP & PES
a . Climate Mainstreaming and Risk Assessment ,
b . Adherence to KfW - specific ESHS requirements ( OHS and ESIA ) ,
c . Procurement operations and regulations ,
d . Management and supervision of local consultants and suppliers ,
e . Training needs assessment and capacity building regarding items 2.a ) - d ) . Optional Scope related to the Implementation of the ESSP & PES
a . Institutionalization and educational sector planning ,
b . Support in development / analysis of education sector strategies , policy papers . The FA Consultant is expected to provide managerial , administrative , and technical support and advice with full - time representation in the Palestinian Territories during the Programmer's implementation period . The estimated overall duration of the project is approximately three ( 3 ) years plus a contractual option of an extension by additional up to 12 months . It is expected that the Consultant will maintain a permanent local project office .
Services are to be provided by a team comprising of international and local experts with proven experience in project management in the education sector preferably with regional experience .
Applicants are requested to demonstrate sufficient availability of the following expertise :
All proposed experts must fulfil the following minimum criteria :
Higher university degree ( e.g. master , dipl - ing , etc. ) in their respective professional field and relevant to the experts proposed role in the team .
at least 5 years of professional experience , relevant to the expert's proposed role in the team .

English fluency ,

Minimum one expert with Arabic fluency .
Detailed expertise to be demonstrated :
i . Implementation of infrastructure projects in the education sector ,
ii . Procurement of consulting services and education equipment / specifications
and accord . to IFI Procurement Guidelines , preferably KfW ,
iii . International ( KfW , WB , IFC , EBRD etc. ) ESHS / OHS for cat . B education sector projects with school construction / extension components ,
iv . Climate mainstreaming and risk assessment ,
v . Conceptualisation and Implementation of comprehensive reporting systems including dual control principle ,
vi . Financial management , planning and reporting IFI financed projects preferably basket funding ,
vii . Optional : institutional development , policy development and dialogue with focus on education sector ,
viii . Training and capacity building regarding above enlisted expertise i ) -vii ) .

The tender of experienced Consultants is subject to the regulations contained in the Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services , Works , Goods , Plant and Non - Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries , November 2023 ( see www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de ) .
The contract will be awarded to an independent Consultant with proven experience in the education sector and the region , an average annual turnover over the last three years of minimum 3 Mio. EUR plus profound working experience with KfW . For further information contact :
