تسجيل الدخول
توفير خدمات الضغط والمناصرة وسلوكيات العمل المسؤولة لقطاع التمور

= 100

مركز العمل التنموي معاً

MAAN Development Center



اعلان طرح عطاء

توفير خدمات الضغط والمناصرة وسلوكيات العمل المسؤولة لقطاع التمور

ز ١١/٢٤ ( ١٤ )

" Providing advocacy and lobbying services and responsible work practices for date sector "
MA'AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian develop- ment and training institution established in January 1989. The center invites you to participate in the tender above as the following : Interested consulting firms should review the full terms of reference for this consultation and can obtain a copy of the price offer by sending a request for a copy of the offer via the email shown below , writing the company name , mobile number and any other information . and submit offer in two sealed envelopes ; one for the technical offer and another one for the financial offer by 03 December 2024 ( before 12:00 pm ) to the following address :
MA'AN Development Center
Ramallah Al - Masyoun , Al - Nahdah building , 5th Floor ( above Bravo supermarket )
Financial offers should include VAT the project is Not VAT exempted Selected firms should supply tax invoice and deduction at source certificate .
Prices must be valid for at least 60 days from the tender submission date .

All costs above must be in USD .
The Offer is valid for consultant firms only .
Vendors / Service Provider must provide a bid bond guarantee ( USD 500 ) only ( Only five hundred USD ) either by bank guarantee or certi- fied bank check , valid for Three months from the last date of tender receipt .
Tenders must be delivered in envelopes to the Maan Center , Ramallah , Al - Masyoun , Emil Habibi Street , Al - Nahda Building , 5th floor ( above Bravo Supermarket ) Tel : 00970 - 2 - 2954451/109
To request free a copy of the tender , please send a message to this email : mahmoud_taha@maan-ctr.org
Note : The official holiday for the center is Friday and Sunday