Caritas Baby Hospital Bethlehem
Advertisement for Pre - Qualification
of Contractors for the project
Finishing & Maintenance Works of the
Day Surgery Building at Caritas Baby Hospital
Call Number :
PRO - IFP - 2024 - CONSTRUCTION - 545
Caritas Baby Hospital ( CBH ) is the Sole Exclusively Pediatric Hospital in the West Bank . Annually , around 50,000 children are treated in the Hospital's Outpatient Clinics and Inpatient Wards . CBH is run and operated by the Swiss NGO Children's Relief Bethlehem ( CRB ) based in Lucerne , Switzerland . CRB / CBH , in its effort to select qualified contractors to complete the finishing works for the skeleton only constructed Day Surgery Building , hereby invites interested contractors classified Grade 1 at the Palestinian Contractors Union to submit pre - qualification documents .
Interested contractors can get the pre - qualification documents against payment of nonrefundable fee of 2000 ILS from 2 December - 6 December 2024 between 09:00 and 14:00 from the Procurement Office - Mrs. Faten Sleibi at the ground floor of the administration building .
Prequalification documents have to be submitted in closed envelopes to the same office . Deadline for submittal is Friday 27 December 2024 at 12:00 noon . Late submittals will not be accepted .
Prequalification Criteria :
1. Essential Conditions :
a ) Nationality
b ) Conflict of Interest
c ) Adherence to the Joint Venture Regulations
2. Experience in Construction and Similar Projects
a ) General Construction Experience
B ) Specific Construction Experience in Hospitals
3. Financial Capabilities - Contractor is requested to submit :
a ) Audited balance sheets b ) Average earnings d ) Average liquidity ratio for the last three years e ) Average indebtedness ratio for the last three years f ) Credential Classification and Financial Solvency g ) Average Annual Construction Turnover
c ) Total equity
4. History of Non - Performance - Contractor is requested to submit :
a ) History of non - performing contracts
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b ) Suspension based on execution of bid securing declaration by employer c ) Pending litigation
5. Other Requirements :
a ) Qualifications and experience of Personnel
b ) Time Table & Work Plan c ) Safety Plan d ) Quality Control Plan Opening and analysis of submitted bids will be handled in closed session .
Successfully Pre - Qualified bidders will be invited to participate in the tender for the Project " Finishing and Maintenance Works of the Day Surgery Building Project at CBH " . The winning bidder will be determined in a public Cost Based Selection session provided that the submitted offer falls within the 10 % average prices of all submitted bids .
Advertisement for Pre - Qualification of Contractors for the project Finishing & Maintenance Works of the Day Surgery Building