تسجيل الدخول
Consulting Services


دولة فلسطين
وزارة الاتصالات والاقتصاد الرقمي


West Bank , Palestine

Digital West Bank & Gaza Project -DWBG ( P174355 )

Grant No .: TF0B5236
Assignment Title : Hiring Social Consultant
Reference : GZ - MTIT - 448685 - CS - INDV

The Palestinian Liberation Organization has received a grant from the International Development Association ( IDA ) for USD 20 million for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority ( PA ) to finance the Digital West Bank & Gaza Project ( the Project ) . The Proj- ect will seek to produce concrete and tangible results for the Palestinians by enhancing access to high - speed broadband services and increasing access to selected e - services for citizens and businesses . The Project will focus on key points to unleash digital trans- formation in the Palestinian territories , addressing some of the bilateral challenges that prevent digital transformation from achieving its full potential . It will strengthen the Palestinian territories ' digital resilience and the PA's ability to respond to shocks such as COVID - 19 .
The project takes a multi - disciplinary approach to support the digital transformation and resilience of the West Bank and Gaza . The project is being implemented and over- seen by the Ministry of Telecommunications and IT ( MTIT ) ; currently , the Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy ( MTDE ) until the project's completion .
The project has the following four components :
i . Enabling legal and regulatory environment for Digital Economy , mainly in- stitutional development including the development of section Palestinian Tele- communications Regulatory Authority and root Certificate Authority ; legal and regulatory framework ; a Quality - of - Service platform ; and capacity building . ii . Implementing Digital Infrastructure Solutions for Emergency Response , Recov- ery and Resilience which includes the development of an emergency response

centre .

iii . Fostering User Centered E - Service Delivery , which includes the establishment of a whole government digital transformation strategy , data infrastructure , support for a digital public platform and prioritization , simplification and digitization of services , the launch of e - services , and implementation of an e- Government Procurement ( e - GP ) System .
iv . Project Management , which will support the establishment of a Project Man- agement Unit ( PMU ) in MTDE .
Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy ( MTDE ) is the implementing agency for this Project . A Project Management Unit ( PMU ) was established within MTDE and composed of consultants / staff in various fields to manage the overall imple- mentation and coordination of the Project .
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy ( MTDE ) is seeking an indi- vidual consultant to assist the Project Management Unit ( PMU ) in strengthening the social aspects of the Digital West Bank & Gaza Project ( DWBG ) . This includes pro- viding capacity building for the Environmental and Social Officer ( ESO ) , addressing and strengthening stakeholder engagement , designing citizen feedback mechanisms , improving grievance redressal mechanisms , and promoting gender - responsive and so- cially inclusive practices . The consultant will support the PMU in integrating social safeguards into project implementation while enhancing the capacity of the complaint unit and ensuring robust stakeholder engagement strategies .
The Social Consultants ( " the Consultants " ) shall be selected in accordance with the World Bank's procedures as specified in the World Bank's Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing ( IPF ) Borrowers dated July 2016 , revised November 2017 , August 2018 , November 2020 , and September 2023 .
The detailed Terms of Reference ( TOR ) for the assignment and assignment details are available on MTDE website : www.mide.gov.ps The Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy ( MTDE ) now invites eligible consulting individuals ( " Consultants " ) to indicate their interest in providing the Services . Applicants should provide a Cover letter and CV indicating information demonstrating that he / she has the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services through the link : https://forms.gle/eDkGAc45hkqwyu2JA

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours : 8:00 - 15:00 .
The Deadline for Application Submission is January 25 , 2025 , at 11:59 PM . Note : Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted .

Address :

Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Economy
DWBGP Project Management Unit - 3d Floor

West Bank , Ramallah .

Attn :

DWBGP Procurement Specialist

Mobile : 0598725251 E - mail : procurement.pmu@mtde.gov.ps

Dr. Abdulrazak Natsheh

Minister of Telecommunications and Digital Economy