تسجيل الدخول
3 electric vehicles



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partner in development


Joint Service Council for Solid Waste Management Hebron Invitation for Bids
The Joint Services Council for Solid Waste Management in Hebron Governorate , with funding from the Belgian Cooperation Foundation ( Enabel ) - the Belgian government , invites sealed bids No. ( HJSC / 202501 - 10020 / ) , to purchase 3 electric vehicles for the benefit of :
* The Joint Services Council for Solid Waste Management in Hebron Governorate .
* The Joint Services Council for Solid Waste Management in Northeast and Southeast Jerusalem .
* The Joint Services Council for Solid Waste Management in Nablus Governorate .
In accordance with the plans , specifications , quantity tables , and the attached general and special conditions for the project .
The bidding Process will be conducted through a request for competitive bids in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Law No. 8 of 2014 and its Implementing Regulations . This tender is open to all eligible bidders .
Conditions for Participating in the Tender :
1. The supplier must be registered with the Tax Department and hold a valid tax clearance certificate .
2. The supplier must be registered with the Ministry of National Economy .
3. The supplier must provide a bid Security in the amount of 12,500 shekels with a bank guarantee valid for no less than 120 days from the date of bid opening .
4. Prices must be quoted in Israeli shekels , inclusive of all applicable taxes , customs , and duties .
5. Any supplier wishing to submit this bid can obtain a copy of the bid documents from the Council's headquarters in Hebron for a non- refundable fee of 200 shekels .
6. The deadline for submitting bids is 12:00 noon on 12:00 noon on Monday 032025 / 03 / at the Council's headquarters in Hebron , late submissions not be accepted .
7. Bids will be publicly opened at 12:00 noon on Monday 032025 / 03 / , at the Council's headquarters , located at Al - Qasrawi Building fifth floor .
8. Advertising fees in newspapers will be borne by the successful bidder .
For further information , interested bidders may visit the Joint Services Council for Solid Waste Management in Hebron during office hours , 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM from Saturday to Thursday , or contact the Council at 02-2220177 .

Tayseer Abu Sneineh

President of the Joint Services Council Hebron Governorate