Kingdom of the Netherlands
ز ٢/٤ ( ١٠ )
Procurement Notice
Invitation to Bid ( ITB )
SUBJECT : Rehabilitation Works of Three Deep Water Wells in the West Bank ( Electrical , Mechanical , and well Development works )
Lot 1 : Rehabilitation of East Herodian ( 2 ) Ground Water Well - Bethlehem Governorate
Lot 2 : Rehabilitation of JWC - 4 and PWA - 1 Ground Water Wells - Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates
Reference Number : Invitation to Bid ( ITB ) - UNDP - PAL - 00312 The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People ( UNDP / PAPP ) , in cooperation with the Pales- tinian Water Authority ( PWA ) , calls for offers from eligible contractors for the implementation of the works under subject , fully described in the bidding documents .
The complete bidding documents concerning this call for bids can be examined and obtained free of charge from the following Web site :
https://procurement-notices.undp.org/view negotiation.cfm ? nego id = 29960 Interested Bidders are invited to attend a virtual pre - bid meeting before scheduling a site visit . The said virtual pre - bid meeting link ( with date and time ) is as indicated in the solicitation documents in the system .
This specific tender is managed via the new online supplier portal sys- tem of UNDP . Instructions and user guides for bidders ' registration and submitting a bid for this tender can be accessed via above shown link . Bids should be submitted directly in the online portal no later than indicated deadline . Bid Submission deadline appearing on UNDP Oracle Quantum Portal will be FINAL and prevail on any other deadline appearing on other websites .